Monday, November 26, 2012

Wellbutrin and applesauce

Ugh.  Heartburn.

How did it start?  Well, the last time I went to the grocery store, I got some unsweetened apple sauce.  "This will be nice and mild, to take my pills in the morning" I thought.

And that's just what I did.

I had gotten up at 2:30 AM, it's delivery day.  I got up, did my God Time, and took my pills.  Our ride came.  About 10 minutes into the ride I realized I had made a horrible mistake.  I was desperately queasy.

You know me, I'm an extrovert, and I'm chatting away at the driver, who's fairly new.  She gets to telling me about her last job, driving the septic truck at the airport, pumping human waste out of airplanes.  She cheerfully went into a lot of detail as my poor stomach lurched.

We were almost at work, though, so I figured I'd be OK.  I did get one attack of "the sweats" though so it was pretty close.

We got to work and I checked the machines.  Yup, it was pretty quiet.  I stocked a soda machine, that's about all I could do.

Ron had made a mistake arranging our pickup - too soon.  I called the sandwich delivery guy and begged him to come early.  He wasn't sure and I said "I know you'll do you're best.  I'm so sorry about this" and he came an hour early.

He is a wonderful guy.  I am definitely getting him something for Christmas.  He is very accommodating when we have a transportation screw up.

I did make sure to tell him I was very sorry and it wouldn't happen again.  He was fine with it.

In the meantime, I'm alternating between vicious nausea and intense hunger.  I tried eating a few snack items, which didn't sit well.

The customers loved the decorations, santa hats, and the lights on Ron's wheelchair.  We did get a request for flashing lights on the wheelchair.  I'll see what I can do.

We finally left and went to the bank, depositing enough to cover both sandwiches, and sodas.  After the bank, we went home and had a short nap.   The kitten did a "necktie" with Ron, stretching out on him from his chin to his waist, purring.  Ron wanted to go to the Egyptian place, but only if I felt up to it.

Getting up, I felt OK, so I told Ron we could go to the Egyptian place for lunch.  About 5 minutes into that ride I got really queasy.  AGH.

Never doing Wellbutrin and applesauce again.  AGH.

I had put my pills into a little ziplock bag, in my jacket pocket, to take with my lunch.  When we arrived, I couldn't find it.  I'd put it in the other coat.

Ron happily ordered his Shawerma with pilaf.  I considered the menu and decided to try the Kibbe.  It is a cracked wheat patty, fried.  Inside the patty one finds meat, pine nuts, and spices.

Ron tried a bite, and made a face "Tastes kind of green."  He was right.  I could only manage one bite and my stomach revolted.  Happily, the Kibbe had only cost a few dollars.

I had wanted to see if I liked it.  Answer: NO.  I also learned that Ron and I loathe pine nuts.

I quietly got rid of it.  I didn't want the owner to see it with only one bite, when she cleaned the table.  I had also ordered pilaf, I stuck with that for a while, eating a plate full of delicious, nutty rice with little brown things in it.  I don't care what they were.  It was good.

It also did a good job of settling my stomach.  I ordered some Chicken Samosa, got it to go.

I was able to eat it, later, at home.  The kitten was thrilled when I accidentally dropped a piece of chicken on the floor.  She seems OK with pretty much any straight meat scrap.

I ran an errand, buying some generic "pink bismuth" (Pepto) and a few other items Ron wanted.  As I came out, our ride pulled up.  Perfect timing.

Then we went home and I had a real nap.  When I woke up the kitten was beside the bed.  I picked her up and put her on top of me, lots of petting and a nice snuggle.

On Thanksgiving, I opened up my dutch oven and discovered an awful mess.  I had been storing some sprouting seeds in the pot.  It looked like the entire contents exploded, leaving some kind of crusted, rusty, mess.

I looked it up on Google (don't you love Google?), and learned "Steel Wool and Elbow Grease", so boy did I scrub.  I finally got it clean and decided to wash and season all my cast iron (I have the dutch oven, two skillets, and a skillet lid).   I did that.

Boy, it reeked.  Horrible smell.

Still in the house, days later.  I hate Febreeze, it gives Ron and I horrible allergy attacks, but I'm so desperate I might even get some.

On the plus side, all the ironware looks great!

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