Monday, November 19, 2012

I don't need to do that

I already mentioned I am basically doing TV dinners for Thanksgiving.  I'll open up a couple of cans, jars and boxes, throw the stuffing in the microwave (I hope I have enough butter), and there's dinner.

I have a suspicion, though: do you think the "Average" American wife and mother is rated on the complexity of her Thanksgiving Dinner?  For instance, my adoptive mother used to put on a spectacular spread, feeding up to 40 people at one meal.

Just the baked goods were enough to make me drool, she always did a huge turkey, homemade glazed  ham, homemade gravy, stuffing, mashed potatoes, sweet potato casserole, green bean casserole,  made from scratch yeast rolls, family recipe cream pie (if you want, I'll give it a post), pumpkin pie, pecan pie, and lovely cookies and fudge.  We used to eat ourselves sick, every year.

My Dad literally blew out his gallbladder a few years back, after Thanksgiving dinner.  It's funny now.

I did the dishes.  All the dishes.  [laugh]  I used to love to get the little crunchy bits of fat out of the turkey pan.

Now, as you know, my mood "bounces".  I may be up, lots of energy; Ron's going to get a nice dinner with turkey, ham, gumbo, dressing, etc.  Or, I may be down, and Ron gets a TV dinner.

So, I see all these ladies on Facebook, posting elaborate menus, and I think "I can't do that, this year".  I feel bad for a second, and then I think "I don't need to do that".

I like to think I am a thankful person.  God has been very good to me in so many ways.  He has provided so amazingly for us in so many ways.  I praise Him for that, daily.

Sometimes I feel very different: I'm not the woman, with the kids, cooking Thanksgiving dinner.  I'm the married woman with two cats, eating a huge handful of crazy pills with my Thanksgiving dinner.

Ron and I may do a Bible Handout, but I need to pray on that.

1 comment:

Jillian said...

You've hit the nail on the head. No one NEEDS to put on an elaborate dinner. I think if people want to, great! If not, don't! I personally would get more enjoyment out of spending time with my family then racing around, getting stressed about cooking, baking, and presents. So many women seem to think they have to do all that..but they don't. They CHOOSE to.
For my kids, I would sure, do the present thing and make more then a usual effort for dinner, but will not be knocking myself out and getting stressed at Christmas or Thanksgiving. That's not at all what the holidays are supposed to be about. I know people that love to do these things, and that's great..but if it causes stress..just don't.
Good for you for knowing your limits!