Sunday, November 1, 2020

Sunday - does cover some ick subjects if you are delicate

 Halloween was very slow, Ron was disappointed.  He told me to close up at 9.  I did not listen.  Between 9 and 11 I got about 15 older kids so I'm glad I didn't listen.  

I went to bed late, got up early, gave Ron his medicine and back to bed for a little bit.  I tend to have odd dreams in that time gap between pill time and when I actually get up.  

I got up, crime scene in my bed, have to do laundry.  I am taking naproxen as suggested by one doctor as it slows blood loss.  I also need to take some iron.  I have heavy losses by the charts but not what I would consider excessive.  

Back in 2003 I donated double red blood cells at the blood center.  It is an easy enough donation, they take your blood out, grab 2 unit's worth of red blood cells, and return the rest with some saline added.  I was fine the first day but the second day I was incredibly weak and kept blacking out.  They took too much.  I was pretty miserable for a while but bounced back, resolving to never donate double reds again.  I have never felt that with blood losses due to my cycle so I don't worry.  

I take herbs and vitamin e which are all good for that, iron supplements with vitamin C, etc. so done what I can.  I don't eat a lot of red meat either.  

But I need to remember to wear a pad to bed, plus my tampon, the first night of my cycle.  It is always just that heavy.  If it goes according to schedule today will be heavy and the next few days minimal.  That is fine by me, I'm not working today so even better.  

So the laundry is soaking; all that to say I had to wash my sheets.  I got my delivery, mainly some snacks.  And I forgot to order the trash bags which was the whole purpose of the order.  Feeling a little foolish.  

I did get one thing and I decided I will talk about it.  First, during my migraine I had violent vomiting for several hours, retching up my toenails, down to the bile, vomiting.  And the taste of the bile on my tongue was so bad it would set off more vomiting.  On a couple of occasions during this experience, I actually wet myself I was vomiting so hard.  It was a truly awful experience doing cleanup with a migraine and taking frequent breaks to vomit some more in my bucket.  DON'T want to do that again.  

So I said to hell with it, and ordered a small pack of women's adult diapers.  I can wear that next time and just throw it away as needed.  I am not a SIZE small of course but 17 ought to last me years.  I will only use them for vomiting migraines, which I happily don't get that often.  

When I had food poisoning back in 2004 Ron kept saying I should go to the hospital, I was very ill and dehydrated, but I had minimal bowel control at the time and I was afraid I would mess up someone's car, or the the ambulance, so I stayed home.  This would also work in that situation, not that I plan to get that sick again.  

And yes I will do some kegels.  

So I am glad I have them around even though this is of course a taboo subject.  But I would rather wear them, at home, during a migraine and not need them than wash my body and the floor because I had a bladder accident while vomiting.  

Again, I am so happy Ron could take care of himself for a while because I was not able to help.  Ron is good at occupying himself which I think is valuable.  He just loves a small radio he is good to go with some headphones.  One thing I put on the wish list for Ron: a shortwave radio.  I think he will find that a lot of fun. 

I don't have a lot of plans, I was going to type, and then I remembered I have to do the monthly report, so I had better get to it so I don't have to worry about it again.  

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