Sunday, November 29, 2020


 I need to stop watching Hoarders.  It reminds me too much of my sister.  

And yes, she would make a good story.  

Born to a teenage mother.  Both parents alcoholics.  One grandmother who raised her was schizophrenic.  Older brother was the "black sheep" so she had to be "the good girl" and the parent of everyone.  Joined a cult age 16 because they gave her care and concern - only now realizing they were just using her.  I remember she would tell me how the cult would send her to "love bomb" (my words not hers) young girls away from their families for the first time in college - just like the woman did to her.  She didn't see anything wrong with that, morally.  

Now there's a story.  Mom attempts suicide.  Sue goes to the hospital in the waiting room.  A very nice lady lavishes her with concern, gets her number, follows up with her - once Sue is in the cult the woman cut off contact.  Sue basically did the same thing to other young (late teens) girls in college.  World without end... So they used her for that in addition to forcing her to marry another cult member (she "had" to marry one, didn't matter which).  She tried very hard to be a good mother and homeschooled 2 of her kids all the way to college.  The third had a learning disability and had to go to public school.  

Then our mother dies.  That opened a whole bag of worms for her, Mom was living out of her car at the time so very few possessions.  Mom's mom died, the schizophrenic.  She had tons of crap she left to Sue and Sue kept it all, even broken furniture "because it matched".  Then the other grandmother (not mine we are half siblings) died and Sue took all her stuff.  

But here's the thing: OLD PEOPLE DIE.  Get USED to it.  They were all in their late 80's except my mother, it is EXPECTED they are going to die.  And she has been in therapy for years and is worse off mentally than when she started.  But she uses it as an excuse to hoard "I haven't gone through it".  Were they GOOD to you?!  NO!  Why would you want to keep their crap?  Do you think it will make them love you from beyond?  NO.  Huck it all in the DUMPSTER it is worthless!  

So no I could never "help" on one of those shows if she ever did it.  When I cut off contact she did not tell her children she stalked me afterward so they blocked me on Facebook.  As far as the kids are concerned I went after their mother for "no reason".  That is OK, we weren't close, I hope they have a good life.  But she goes around painting herself as the victim to EVERYONE.  She doesn't know how to be an overcomer; just a victim.  And that is her biggest problem.  

If she is reading this: Stop being a victim.  Be an overcomer and make a good life for yourself, it's only too late when you're dead.  

Anyway, done with that.  

I got up at 5 when I gave Ron his pills.  He had a lot of sleep talking last night so I didn't sleep great.  Sometimes, when I don't sleep, I can't go back to sleep.  

So I got up.  I did my God Time and took a shower.  Now, living where I do I am blessed to be surrounded by MANY grocery stores, several on my bus line, one only minutes away.  I decided I would like some decaf coffee for today and some nice leaded coffee for tomorrow.  I decided to go to the "Joe V's".  

I got dressed, got my stun gun, checked on Ron and left.  He asked for fresh pineapple which I love to get him as it's anti-inflammatory.  I had to cross a busy street to get to the bus stop but very little traffic that early.  I said "Good Morning" to the bus driver as I boarded and she helped me out.  I signaled my stop too early, she figured it out and said she could just go to the next one if I wanted, I said thank you and meant it.  

I got off.  Then I had to cross the busy street again and it was busier.  I had had enough Mountain Dew at home I was pretty anxiety ridden with all these SUV's (store in a decent area) whizzing by.  Not much fun, I termed it "eeky" but I did it.  

I went in the store, got Ron's pineapple first.  Then I went over to the coffee section.  They had a decent selection.  Joe V's is all about generics so I took a look.  I bought some decaf, a Columbian (I prefer a dark roast) and a Pecan roast that sounded good.  I can have the pecan for breakfast tomorrow.  

I also found a croissant with a cream filling (vanilla) which looked good so I got that.  I paid and waited at the bus stop.  My bags were heavy so I set them on the ground, and ate the croissant.  It was pretty good.  Would I buy it again?  Not sure.  The bus came about the time I finished.  

The way the bus is routed I had enough time to see it coming and pick up my bags (I had already put my mask on after eating) before it pulled up.  An easy ride to the subdivision.  Walked home.  

I was rather offended.  There are 2 bad dogs in a rent house at an intersection I must pass to get to the bus stop.  They are kept in the backyard and the fence is falling down.  They always get very aggressive when I walk by.  They did the first time I passed.  

On my way home, a guy playing a radio, on a bicycle (all dog triggers) rode right past that yard and nothing - just a little grumble from one dog.  They got a whiff of me and got very aggressive.  I can only figure they smelled the cats on me.  

I got home, put the pineapple in the fridge, and had a snack.  Ron woke up.  He wanted pineapple and ate a few pieces, said they were delicious.  Then he went back to sleep.  Now neither of us slept well last night so I'm going to let him sleep all day if he wants.  

I did a load of laundry and watched Hoarders.  Which reminded me of my screwed up family.  

And there we are.  

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