Tuesday, November 10, 2020


Still pretty depressed, but I took care of Ron and even got him outside for some fresh air and sunshine.  He called and made trips for us to go to work tomorrow, that saves us a lot on Uber.  I am still "Platinum level" which should say how often I take it to work.  

The cats are good, they came out with us when we sat out front in the sun, pretty cute.  I took a shower in the evening so I can shower when I get home from work tomorrow.  It won't be a long day.  

Ron made the trip for later in the day, the swing shift is going to love that.  They never see the vendors.  He should be more alert, too.  

I did up his pills for another week he will JUST have enough.  I am thinking to call Doc and ask for a refill because Walmart always takes a day or two to actually process the prescription.  I will think about it and talk to Ron, they are his pills after all.  

I didn't have a lot of caffeine today so I should sleep OK, and I got enough sleep to make up for last night.  I went back to bed after 5 AM, slept a couple hours.  I took another nap around 1-3 PM.  

I will be glad when I get back to an average mood. 

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