Tuesday, November 17, 2020


 I slept OK but woke up with another headache.  I think the last week of headaches go to variable hormone levels as my cycle is due in about a week.  

I got up, took care of Ron, shower, God Time, cats.  Ron went back to sleep after I gave him his pills so I had to wait until he woke up.  

I always tell him when I am leaving.  One time I did not and he was pretty distraught when I got home.  But I hate to wake him up and one doctor basically said to let him sleep as much as possible.  He woke up, we talked.  He wanted a slider, I made one.  Then I left.  

I didn't have to wait too long for the bus, and had an easy time getting to the Asian grocery.  I went straight for the tea section.  I think it is funny I know how to read the word "tea" in Vietnamese.  They had a huge long aisle of it.  I bought some herbal remedies, a jar of (just looked at it, not a jar, just in mylar) Genmaicha (green tea with roasted rice in it, gives it a really good flavor), some oolong in a nice tin, and a package of Tuo Cha Pu-erh tea.  I like pu-erh but it was hard to find and they had a 40 foot aisle of tea.  I guess it is not a big seller.  This was marketed as "cholesterol reducing" which doesn't matter to me.  I just like the flavor.  

The whole store reeked of fish but it wasn't a rotten smell, just a seafaring one.  One thing I regret I saw some fried fish skin "chips".  I would have loved to buy them and take a photo for the vending business' web page.  I bought a pretty little melamine bowl with flowers all around the rim, only $1.40 and I can use it for dipping or something.  

I found their cold tea section and hit it hard.  I have never had Bubble Tea.  I bought some (after carefully checking the label).  It was good but not likely to get it again.  Then I got my favorite jasmine green tea.  It is very good and sugar free.  Then I got a bottle of black "lemon tea" which was worlds better than lipton.  

I checked out.  They had pretty long lines and I watched the clerk punching up numbers for all the produce, etc.  She was very skilled.  

Then I went to the Chinese restaurant in the parking lot.  I had 3 bags but manageable.  I was a little worried they weren't open but someone exited the restaurant right as I approached.  I entered and made the order to go.  He said it was fine to drink the can of Diet Coke in the building so I did.  Then I put the mask on again.  

I put the food on one arm and the 3 bags from the grocery store on the other arm, went to the bus stop.  NOT a long wait.  A rental van pulled up next to me as I got off the bus, and followed me, very slowly keeping pace with me and stopping when I stopped (twice).  I said f#ck that and got out my stun gun, showed it to him, he left.  @sshole.  I kept seeing him so I walked slowly and waited for him to leave before I turned on my street.  So I was holding 4 bags and the stun gun.  Happily the tremors (in my hands) were OK with that.  

I went in, told Ron about the butthead and gave him his eggrolls.  He said he wasn't hungry but ate most of one eggroll.  The food was still hot.  Just now he ate about a cup and a half of fried rice, not bad for him.  

I put everything away and took a nap. I woke up with a resumed headache.  Really sick of these things.  I may end up buying some feverfew.  It acts as a preventive.  

I took another shower tonight so I don't have to bother with it tomorrow morning.  It will be an early day and possibly a long one.  BUT I brought my knitting so I at least have something to do other than watch/listen to the "news" 

Ron and the cats are good; that's it for now.  

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