Friday, November 6, 2020


 I took Ron out in the backyard yesterday and we sat outside for about an hour in the sun, Ron in his bare feet in the wheelchair, sat out and enjoyed the weather for a while.  

Today we went to Sam's Club.  I woke up in the middle of the night with my foot cramping badly.  I had to drink 2 glasses of gatorade before it would fade.  I went back to bed and slept Ok after that.  

But, not fun.  

I dosed Ron on time but went back to bed for a while, got up, got him ready, went to Sam's.  The trip there was pretty uneventful.  

Sam's was happy to fork over RON'S money once he made an appearance at the desk.  Then we had a long wait on our ride home, his back went out, he was hurting pretty bad.  He was happy to get home.  

Biscuit laid on Ron, purring, and helped a lot with the pain.  Ron fell asleep.  I am getting ready to take a nap.  

Couldn't sleep.  Got up and took my pills, made some tea, did my God Time (too beat to do it this morning).  

I had some "new" ramen noodles, swear they have no MSG, for dinner.  We will see if I get a headache tomorrow.  I am still waiting on Ron's new electric blanket.  I won't be going to bed until I get that set up!  

I am tired and depressed but hanging in there.  Nice thing about bipolar I will not be depressed for long.  

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