Sunday, November 8, 2020

Depression is a sin? AGAIN with that?

 I am sleeping OK.  But this depression is flogging me.  Worst I've had in a while.  

I have to just lay it on Jesus I don't try to carry things on my own anymore.  I turned off the pill alarm in my sleep and woke up half an hour later in a panic.  Ron was OK but he wanted popcorn for breakfast.  

He ate the entire bag - impressive for him.  He is snoring away.  

I did some of my God Time, when depressed sometimes the prayer part is a little overwhelming for me so I pray freestyle, in bursts, I guess that's the way to put it.  I did do the readings part I feel that is important.  

I had to get rid of one devotional as it was basically saying depression is a sin.  I don't know what it is about some Christians.  It is a truly criminal thing to say an illness is a sin.  Is my Dad a sinner because he has heart disease and takes medication for it?  Or diabetes?  What about Ron, is he a sinner for having epilepsy?  I don't think so.  But in all these cases the pompous ass would say that is acceptable, normal illness and of course you should take your medication.   

Even though depression is a chemical imbalance, and can be seen on a brain scan.  Can be treated with various therapies, magnets, ECT, medication.  No, it is a sin. 

I think the whole "sin" angle is just a reaction to feeling powerless when faced with a suffering, depressed, human.  Some lash out and blame the victim.  Faith can't cure depression.  Nothing can, really.  It can be ameliorated by the various treatments I laid out, exercise, music, gardening can all help.  But it always comes back; until I get my new mind from Jesus.  My faith helps me see the long picture and not the short one.  

I am OK with that with my illness hopefully comes some empathy and more evangelism outreach.  I like to think that.  I am reaching toward God; but if I go on devotionals and "man's" teaching I get slapped down.  

A couple of good devotions: 

The Corrie Ten Boom one, Daily Chronological Bible, NIV Daily Bible, Blackaby devotional.  But other ones I keep tripping over bad doctrine.  It is discouraging.  

Bad ones, I'm not even going to name it.  I am going to throw it out.  

Now, Thi'sl got it right.  Nope, Flame. Got my guys mixed up.  "Take your medicine, this is pleasing to Jesus"  

Do you know how seldom I hear that?  

I'm not whining.  This is my life; my moods change.  God is stable in all of it and I thank Him for it.  I would say "yes" to my problems if God told me I could reach one more person, having them.  I hate to think of anyone in hell, apart from God.  

I want to reach whoever I can and share God's love with them.  If that means I deal with this so be it.  

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