Wednesday, November 18, 2020


 If I had a dollar for every "Medicare" mailer I have gotten lately I could buy a whole truck full of inventory.  

I did NOT sleep well last night, someone's dog (not immediately adjoining my yard) was yapping on and off last night.  Ambulance YAP YAP YAP for a good 5 minutes.  Someone with a loud muffler - YAP YAP YAP for several minutes.  I went outside today to sit in the sun and I heard it, it is on the cross street to mine and is likely a chihuahua by the sound of the barking.  I am not a fan of the breed they are aggressive (the ones I have met), high-strung, and NEVER SHUT UP.  I will turn up my noisemaker louder tonight.  

Ron needed help on the toilet right after I went to bed so that wasn't much fun either.  But I took my shower last night (and tonight) so I DID NOT have to take it this morning.  Which is a good thing, I meant to get up at 3 and overslept till 4:06.  

I took a Uber to work.  The delivery arrived at 6:20 I was so happy I almost cried.  Then I had to stock it!  Once I finished that I did my other tasks and came home.  I called Jack, so we could go through a drive through.  

I got home, ate my food, and took a nap.  I woke up with a vile headache.  I took something and drank some tea, that helped.  

I sat outside with Torbie for a while.  

I finally got a good shot my hands were not shaking.  

She looks so pretty with the sun on her fur.  She has figured out Ron's vibrating massager and likes to lay on it.  He doesn't mind.  I came in and fed Ron an eggroll (his request), then made myself a PB&J for dinner.  Ron's was looking pretty tired so I made him another one, too.  

I made the trips for tomorrow they look good.  I have everything we will need.  I plan to go to bed pretty soon.  

That's it for now.  

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