Saturday, October 31, 2020


 So here's something to think about: modest apparel in women.  No, I am not going to weigh in against "sluts" as I feel they all generally have insecurity issues that encourage them to expose a lot of flesh.   I will leave that up to each individual woman.  

This may surprise you but I wish my stepmother had not let me wear some of the clothes I had.  She would pass down my stepsister's old unwanted clothes to me and some of them were just WRONG.  I remember one miniskirt in particular, Ron really liked that one.  But for whatever reason my stepmother did not go shopping with me for clothes.  I don't think I was very picky and I've always loved a bargain?  Oh, well.  Ron was shocked I had so few clothes when I moved out.  

Living on my own I played around a little but I had to work and earn a living and back then you had to wear modest clothes to work.  Again, I wish someone had told me I really wasn't a size 10/12 in the early 90's because I know now they were way too tight and NOT a good look.  

I think it goes to how a woman sees her body.  If she sees it as an asset to be showcased she is going to look much different than a woman who sees her body as a gift from God.  

Anyway, the subject came up a couple different places.  As far as I'm concerned 2 people get to see my breasts, 3 actually, me, Ron, and my doctor.  That's it.  That has led me to buy a lot of men's tshirts for work but I don't regret that.  Oddly enough they have a lot of men's clothes in the "pretty" colors these days.  

I slept OK last night, started my cycle, it is unpredictable to say the least these days.  But I didn't make a mess so I'm happy about that.  

I took care of Ron, cleaned the house (some of it), sorted laundry to do later.  I didn't need a nap, which was nice.  

We will be doing the Halloween handout as usual, I am curious to see how many kids show up.  I think I'll get a lot, it is a Saturday.  I am ready either way.  

That means I won't get much sleep tonight, go to bed late and get up early for Pill Time, but I won't complain.  I am just glad we have something that works on the seizures.  And the high blood pressure which took me COMPLETELY aback.  That was the last thing I expected.  Him, never.  Me, maybe.  But to see those numbers on the vital signs for so long really drove it in to me, and, thinking back, I am sure his mother had high blood pressure in addition to her other problems.  

Tomorrow I will also prepare and file the monthly report.  It shouldn't be too hard, I have been doing these for a while now.  I need to figure out dinner for me, Ron already had a grilled cheese (I did but that was hours ago, I have a better metabolism than he does). 

That's it for now, I'll let you know how many kids show up.  

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