Friday, November 20, 2020

Thursday and some of Friday

 Yesterday was pretty crazy. We were about out of seizure pills so we had to get Ron to the doctor.  I had all the fun of getting Ron ready, bath, dress, into wheelchair.  He had some trouble getting into the wheelchair but we did it.  

Then a long ride to the doctor's office.  The doctor is about 15 minutes away but we had another pickup.  We finally got there, early.  

They saw us early.  Notable things: Ron is having seizures due to scar tissue in his brain from the old head injury.  Doc is keeping him on Keppra as it works for him.  Ron got the lecture on taking as directed.  Ron is already pretty good about that.  

Ron was having some pain so he had me bring the back massager, as I found outlets we plugged in.  Doc found it amusing.  

11:30 found us in the waiting room, Ron vibrating away and me outside waiting on the ride.  There was a rather sullen, demanding, entitled woman waiting on a paratransit ride as well.  I really hoped we would not ride together; we didn't.  She "went off" on the driver because he was only picking up Ron and me.  But again, we picked up someone (took his sweet time coming out; and I found it very sad with 3-4 vehicles in good condition, at the house,  none of the other residents could give him a ride).  Then we had to drop him at the barber shop.  NOW we could go home.  

Poor Ron was a wreck.  I got him into bed and plugged in the massager, gave it to him.  I got him settled and went to Walmart as Doc is very old school and gave us a paper prescription for the seizure pills.  I turned that in and then had them redo the blood pressure pills which were about run out as well.  It took a while to fill, I did a little shopping.  

I was quite happy to hear both meds, 3 months, were only $48.  I can hardly wait to refill my medication.  I will make a political statement and say my prescription drug prices went way down under Trump. That is important because I have to take this - Ron has to take this, to stay alive.  Very nice someone is listening.  

And aren't I glad I turned comments off I would get a ton of flames for that.  

I paid and had enough left to call Arturo.  I did and he took me home.  I had bought Ron a bucket of fried chicken and it scented the vehicle, happily Arturo likes fried chicken.  I got home, Ron was snoring.  It was a hard day for him.  

I put everything away.  I did up Ron's pills for another week.  I woke Ron up at 5 and gave him his pills.  He ate some fried chicken later. 

I went to bed pretty early as I was tired. Ron woke me up, needing help, around midnight.  It was quite a bit of cleanup.  

[shakes fist] Curse you, fried chicken!  That's what Ron blamed.  

So I did a load of laundry I don't like "eww-y" stuff sitting around the house if I can avoid it.  And I'm not so rich I can afford to throw it away.  I also decided to order some Walmart delivery items (some I couldn't find at the store) for today.  

And there it is the washer is done.  Everything looks great.  

My secret ick recipe for laundry: 1/4 cup baking soda (for odors), 1/4 cup each borax and washing soda, one detergent pack (Tide) for soak cycle.  After soak is done add another pack.  It is unbeatable.  And the "add ons" are cheap and easily obtained on the laundry aisle at the store.  It was a microfiber sheet so I used the "cool lights" water setting.  

Speaking of the store they had a ton of turkeys, but I am doing Thanksgiving with my aunt, uncle, and likely one cousin this year.  I got Ron a hungry man dinner even though my aunt always gives me a to go plate for Ron, and he eats it.  

I noticed egg shortages, but those have been ongoing, and hamburger was very low.  I didn't want either so I didn't care.  I got the fake Nutrigrain bars I like those when I am taking my pills, some soda, etc.  

They didn't have the aloe baby powder but other than that it wasn't bad.  

Anyway if I go to bed now I will get an hour and a half of sleep so I'm going to do that.  I did find it odd; #2 is a young woman who has friends over regularly, but they are all very quiet so I don't mind.  It is not uncommon to find a car in front of my house but I don't care about that anymore.  

But I looked out the window around 2 AM and saw the car had it's lights on.  I guess someone either just got home or was leaving for an early shift.  But I'm not worried.  I just thought it odd we were up at the same time and no noise outside.  

You will remember me furious about #6 and their damned diapers all the time SLAMMING the lid on their trash can several times a night, every night.  I had to take out a bag of trash around 12:30 AM but I was super careful and very quiet doing so.  I don't want to be THAT neighbor.  

The cats are bad enough!  

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