Wednesday, November 4, 2020

So how far do I go down Fear Street?

 Rhetorical question.  

I hang out on a prepper board, they are pretty level headed and I would say seated in reality.  The general motto is "don't get caught with your pants down if things get bad".  Facebook - today I had a long time friend ranting about FEMA camps coming next summer.  I tend to run rather paranoid due to my illness.  

Of course I believe some of my calls are monitored, especially the one I was talking about politics and naming politicians.  I believe someone is getting reports of my online activity.  

The problem I have, at the core, I had a family member in the intelligence community.  One I trusted, who said yes THEY are watching everything you do and say, more than once, to me as I was growing up.  Referring to me as a "civilian".  That fed my natural paranoia.  

Let's be blunt here I have at least one schizophrenic family member.  I suffer from the disorder in addition to my bipolar but the bipolar is the "dominant" diagnosis and the schizo just a "bonus" "feature".  So I have the trait.  

My issue is balancing everything.  

Of course, #1 I have to look at my faith.  God is on His throne.  He is in charge.  

#2 Yes my family member did tell me about "them" and this person does not have schizo anything.  Maybe some depression but considering that's reasonable.  

#3 Almost everyone online (except the prepper board, amusingly enough) is trying to tell me to be fearful and "do for yourself while you can".  Which doesn't match with #1. 

So I end up where I am, I have taken some measures but nothing I deem excessive.  I am not living in fear.  

But I feel like virtually everyone (but the board) wants to pull me off down Fear Street.  

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