Friday, November 20, 2020

The rest of Friday

 I got up at midnight to help Ron, cleaned up, ran a load of laundry on soak, then ran it regular cycle (unbeatable clean doing that), put it in the dryer, went back to bed around 3:30.  

Note: I did not spend 3 hours cleaning, I cleaned up for maybe 20 minutes and then did laundry while I worked on the computer.  

I got up again at 5 to give Ron his pills, then went back to bed and got up again around 8.  I took a shower and did my God Time, helped Ron, etc.  More computer time.  I got the Walmart delivery which most notably featured disposable bed pads (👍) and cherry cheesecake ice cream.  I had to fight to make the room in my freezer for the ice cream but worth it.  The ice cream was divine, has no migraine triggers, even the cats liked licking the bowl.  

Then Ron gave them treats I hope they don't get sick!  I tried to take a nap, but headache today so I had taken Excedrin and no sleep for me!  I got up again and got back on the computer.  

I have a piece of bad siding so I went out and tinkered with it (it is a board not the sheet of wood) and repainted it hoping that would help.  It is really nice to have a pretty full gallon of housepaint on hand, stir stick, key to open the paint can, etc.  I also patched up a little damage somewhere else and will paint that tomorrow after it dries.  

We may need to find a handyman to fix the siding, though.  I know there is a spot by my bedroom and the one in the front, the rest are OK.  I shudder to think "how much" but we do have a little saved.  I would rather not spend it but as a homeowner these things do come up.  And it would be great to have a good handyman on call.  

Greg used to do very good work when he started but became less reliable and the workmanship really suffered.  If I am going to pay someone I want them to do a quality job.  It doesn't have to be perfect but show some pride in your work!   Ron had a halo effect going with him - the guy could do no wrong - because he reminded Ron of his Dad.  

I found Carlos off Home Advisor so I would use them again.  He was fantastic and gave me a great deal - and I know it. 

So we will see about that hopefully the paint will hold it for a while.  I would rather not have work done round the holidays, it seems to me when I have had work done they always want to pay off the credit card by charging me way more than seems fair.  

Ron had a good idea to call Jack.  I think I will talk to him about it, tell him of course we will pay him.  He does a lot of home repairs at his place so maybe he could take a stab at the siding.  

Just waiting on Ron's backup massage wand to be delivered.  It is supposed to come sometime today.  

I also need to figure out my budget for Sam's club, I have to pay Jack for his help with that, pay renewal fee, etc.  I have had an unholy mating of my funds going into the business this pay period and need to see how much I get to keep.  While still buying a good assortment of inventory.  

I will figure it out.  

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