Sunday, November 15, 2020

Sunday morning

 I've had a bad headache the last couple days.  I am trying to stay positive.  

Just for fun: Christmas wish list.  I don't "need" anything but the new Bible would be nice as my old one really is falling apart.  And the Bible covers.  Maybe some shams for the pillows in the front room (I have the stuffer just not the envelope).  And I can always use more sheets for me.  

It is funny, this year I worked very hard at getting Ron enough sheets as we have occasional bedding changes and I like to always have a spare.  But me?  I have 2, count them, 2 sets of sheets.  One is a nice cotton, one is a poly blend.  Both work fine but I could use another set.  Anyway... my family are getting the same list and THAT is where the tablet goes, Dad has mentioned he might get it for me, he can't imagine me living without a tablet.  And it would benefit him as I could do zoom calls with him.  

So, I worked on that.  The cats love Temptations treats.  

We had some excitement yesterday (nothing bad but a lot of work) so I watched USA network.  They had some decent movies.  I had to laugh at Dr Strange as he has very bad tremors, that's what's driving him the whole movie, he can't use his hands properly.  

And here I am, I had just joined a tremors group on Facebook.  Apparently lithium tremors "count".  They are very nice.  So I have various groups on Facebook including the Epilepsy Caregiver group.  So I watched that while I did laundry.  

I don't use bleach for cleaning as Ron hates it.  But I did use it on the load of white towels and it did a very good job. And I couldn't smell it.  

I went to bed, slept OK considering I had a headache (not a migraine about a "4" on a 1-10), got up, gave Ron his pills, back to bed.  Ron went to sleep, usually does after his seizure pill.  I noticed my red wool blanket was getting a little gamey.  I can't wash it in the washer; I can't dry clean it as it has some nylon holding it together.  I have to hand wash which I don't do very often.  

But I had some energy this morning so I dissolved some homemade laundry detergent (I kept a big jar of that when I cleaned out, as it is great for hand-wash, can't use it in an HE though) in warm water, got the blanket soaking in the tub.  It soaked up so much water I had to add more.  I will give it another hour or two soaking in the tub and then begin the rinse process.  I brought the plastic chair into the garage so I can drape the blanket like I did Ron's electric one a little while ago.  

Headache means I am not going to the store.  There is also a chance of rain and it is very windy out, I think we had a cold front arrive and that's what caused my headache.  I just don't feel up for it.  

Happily no sex crimes TV today so I can just turn it on and enjoy without all these sobbing women talking about being defiled.  I don't see how people can watch that.  I did, for a while, but I guess I have a tender heart.  Today is NCIS LA which is fine.  

I will go do my God Time after I finish this.  That, I "have" to do.  

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