Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Tuesday and Wednesday

 I slept really well last night, got up, Ron needed help which took some time.  I can't discuss details but I got him taken care of.  I am really glad I have a collection of sheets so I can yank off top sheet (for whatever reason), spray down the vinyl "rubber sheet" (unscented cleanser of course), and remake the bed easily.  

I was pretty busy but I got it all done.  Ron's electric blanket is drying in the garage, I thought that was very clever.  We have that stray male tomcat who likes to spray my trash cans.  He would likely spray the blanket if I left it outside, but I brought my plastic chair in the garage and draped the blanket over that.  All the water ran out under the garage door, making it look like we had a GHASTLY plumbing issue.  But it is mostly dry.  

I try to wash his little electric throw every couple months of use, and the water's always dirty when I do, so I could probably do it more often, but it is a hassle to hand wash in the tub.  It does fit nicely in a 5 gallon bucket to get draped on the chair in the garage.  

We did order him a twin sized heated blanket.  It looks nice online and it is the same brand as the throw, which has performed well.  There isn't anything heated online with a good review, throws, blankets, heated mattress pads, but I will take a chance on something that did work.  I think it is Biddeford.  I checked, it is.  

I have a heated mattress pad for my bed but don't need it yet.  


I went to bed really early last night and woke up at 3:30.  I had gotten an 8 hour sleep so I went ahead and got up.  I did various housework things.  

One thing I did: change the cats' water fountain.  The washable filter was disgusting and wouldn't wash clean, so I threw out the entire fountain (it ran for about a year and is only $20) and got a fresh new one.  Biscuit was so excited to see it he almost tripped me, then spent a fair amount of time drinking after I put it down.  Good.  I clean it regularly but I just thought "I wouldn't drink out of that" so I tossed it.  Not sorry I did.  I do need to buy a replacement next time I go to the Walmart, though.  I always want to have a backup on hand.  

The trash got picked up and I put my cans away.  I didn't need to do any laundry I did that yesterday.  Ron has been asleep all day.  

I did make a Walmart delivery and got some simple stuff like TV dinners.  Some times I just don't want to be faced with "ingredients" I would rather have something I can just stick in the microwave.   

I also ordered some egg nog ice cream.  NO substitute on that as nearly every ice cream has chocolate and/or nuts.  I used to love this chocolate brownie peanut butter ice cream, it had little peanut butter cups, a peanut butter ribbon, base note of nice chocolate ice cream.  It was delicious but I had a problem with it so God stepped in and made it all give me a migraine.  You couldn't pay me a thousand dollars to eat chocolate ice cream now.  So either I'll take the egg nog or I won't get anything.  

I am going to go see if my guy won for representative for our district.  Ah!  He didn't.  I really liked him, too.  I guess everyone wanted the incumbent.  

I am a little manic but not too bad.  I need to go pay the electric bill (in person) this week so I need to figure that out.  I will not be taking Ron for that.  It was only $66 so do able.  

I figured out something interesting, since I was up so early I waited a while and then had my mate chai.  It was pretty good, wakes me up but not edgy.  About 40 mg caffeine.  I took a nap around 9-11 and woke up with a headache.  I thought "What if it's caffeine?" and had a 100 mg caffeine capsule.  And the headache went away.  So that may explain those afternoon headaches.  

Ron is up, nice thing he took care of his toilet needs on his own.  All I had to do was empty the bucket.  He likes the snacks on the bookcase (bedside table).  I had a 1 ounce bag of fritos and a peanut butter and jelly.  He can take a couple days to eat the sandwich if he wants, it won't go bad (hydrogenated peanut butter).  He is very excited to hear I ordered him a Nighthawk TV dinner, I hope they have them in stock.  He really loves those things.  

And I finally remembered to order the kitchen trash bags.  I sure hope they come.  I am almost out - I never let myself get this low.  

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