Friday, September 14, 2018

Badge stuck in hair

I got my badge stuck in my hair today.

I got up early, took my shower.  Happy to see I did not have to shave my legs.  I got out, dressed, got Ron ready.

We left the house.  Today was "crammed like sardines into the minivan" day.  We were stuffed on the way to Sam's club.  Ideally, I ride in the front, which is the best seat.  Ron says he prefers the back but it is far less comfortable.  I think he does it for me.

I'd rather attribute something good to him that he doesn't mean, than the reverse.  So he played hero and rode in the back with the very agitated "AR" (stands for "Assistance Required", means they are slow).  We got there, I got my supplies for work.  Ron wanted to get 3 cases into our empty fridge before tomorrow.

We did that.  I thought about getting some Halloween candy supplies, I got my Scripture Booklets, but it was forecast to rain and I didn't want to mess with that.  I can get some supplies tomorrow.

We had to wait forever on our ride.  I got hungry and wanted a bunless hot dog.  I walked over to the deli area and ordered one.  She looked like she was having a tough day, so I decided to tease her.  When she handed me the dog, it looked like a male part.  So I did something lewd to it.  (Something I could do in public, but not appropriate).  She started laughing really hard and said she needed that.  Then I went and ate my hot dog.

Ron teased me about it when I told him.

We left and our ride was already there.  There was a woman dressed in civilian clothes in the front seat, accessing the computer.  I was about to say something when I realized she was a trainee.  They are supposed to wear a uniform, like the driver.

Yet another long ride, this time I was crammed in the back with Ron and some strange man, riding around.  We finally approached work.

When I wash my hair, I never dry it.  I let it air dry, it looks better with the natural waves and curls.  On a good day, my "natural" hair looks like I styled it.  I like to leave it down after I wash it, until it is dry, and then put it up in a pony tail.  If I put it up first, it stays wet all day and is uncomfortable.  So, I had my hair down.  I had my lanyard with my keys, and my lanyard with my ID badge, around my neck, under my hair.

Remember I was stuffed in the back of a minivan with hardly any room to breathe, or move.  I had to give the driver my badge, so she could access the covered area and unload us by the front door.  But I couldn't get the badge out for all the hair.  It was stuck.  My hair was stuck down around my shoulders and it wasn't working to pull it up and over.  I had to fight with it for a while, elbowing Ron a few times in the process, but I got it out just before we arrived at work (I pulled a few hairs in the process).  I guess I will be putting my hair up in a ponytail, before we leave, on work days.

We got in, I unloaded everything.  The driver and the trainee stood around watching me do it.  Generally I get some help from the driver, but not today.  That was OK.  But the trainee is in for a rude shock when the average client expects them to take out all the groceries and then take them up 3 flights of stairs.

I left Ron outside with the stuff, and went inside.  I saw the other vendor had bought me my sunflower seeds.  They are 2 ounce bags, already shelled.  I paid her back and took the box out to Ron, with my cart.

I took one of my half-full carts.  It was the first likely one at hand.  It had merchandise on it.  As I was taking it out, someone held the door (that was the hard part about the whole day, getting the cart in and out the door).  "What are you doing, taking it out of the building?  You're supposed to bring it in!"  I had to explain, and head over to Ron.

It was starting to drizzle.  I told him.  I left the sunflower seeds with him, took the drinks inside, and put them up in our empty fridge.  Once I put my cart away I got a cold drink out of a vending machine and went outside to Ron.

Cue long wait in the ever-increasing rain.  I had brought supplies, and offered Ron "his" garbage bag.  He said no, even though he always wears it in the rain.  I put on my purple poncho - with my fanny pack, I looked like pregnant purple grapes.  I offered Ron the umbrella.  He said yes to that, and held it up until the driver arrived.

The cab was empty at first, so I was happy.  We had one pickup at some senior apartments.  Ron was riding in the backseat and I was in the front.  I told you he is sweet.

Anyway, we saw two people waiting under an overhang.  I recognized the man.  The last time we rode with him he tried to pick a fight with Ron, and kept saying Ron had to have the last word (when it was, in fact, the other guy).  He was offensive, rude, and entitled.  I didn't like him at all.

He wasn't much better today.  He was rude to the driver, rude to us.  He couldn't fit in the middle seat (he was very obese, well over 400 pounds), so he made his wife sit in there, pressed up against Ron (she had to, because her own husband was so large he consumed more than his fair share of the back seat).  Ron was VERY crowded but he didn't say a word.

I told you today was our day for riding around like sardines.  At first it was OK.

Ron and I had gotten drenched waiting outside, and, when we boarded, had asked the driver to turn off the air conditioner.  It was only about 75 degrees today anyway.  We were soaked and the last thing we needed was freezing AC giving us a cold.

But no, that wasn't good enough.  Mr Cranky pitched a hissy fit about the A/C and the driver apologetically turned it on.  Ron and I would just have to freeze.

And the wife decided to apply strongly scented baby oil to her arms and hands, while riding right next to Ron, who has allergies.

Why do women do that on the service?  They never apply their lotion out of the vehicle, it's always when they are riding, so they can drown us all in the fragrance.  Never while they're waiting, always after they get aboard.

Or they ask ME for lotion.  I don't carry lotion.

So, it was an uncomfortable and unpleasant ride until we got to the subdivision.  Then the woman started talking about how nice the houses are, etc.  Ron told her they almost flooded last year.  I told her they did flood during Allison.  That shut her up, at least until we got out.

Ron opened the garage and we went in the house.  Then he started complaining about the baby oil.  I didn't blame him.

I ate a snack and took my antidepressant.  Then I took a nap, woke up with a headache.  I had some diet soda today so I think that was my trigger.  It's not the antidepressant, I proved that a couple weeks ago.

I did some work-from-home.  We need to start planning for the conference that is coming up.  I am working out the details.  I slogged through my email.

I also started some laundry.  The load needed a "soak" before a proper cycle, so I did that.  It should be about done pretty soon.  I also need to do another load of clothes.  Since they're towels, I almost forgot the last rinse with some vinegar to cut the suds.  It makes the towels more absorbent.

Ron had a pretty good day as far as I know.  But he just woke up and is in pain.  I hate to see him hurting.

Tomorrow we do our supply run.

I also need to cook my cube steaks.  Ron doesn't want them so I will probably freeze 2 and eat 2 tonight.  I plan to cook it with just some spices and vegetable oil, and then melt some cheese on top.  Sounds good.

The cats are good, and eating their dinner.  I had to help Ron find his small fan because Torbie knocked it off the bed, it was in her way.

That's it for today.

Edit: I fried up some bacon ends and used the grease to cook my cube steaks.  I ate 2 and froze 2 for later.  It was pretty good. 

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