Saturday, February 22, 2014

Unimportant Things

I battle fatigue every day.  I took a nap today after work, after getting 8 hour's sleep the night before, and I'm tired.  I'm always tired. 

I was thinking about that.  I know a great deal of it is related to medication.  I take a higher than average dose (I need it to get to the proper blood levels) of one medication, and two more cause fatigue. 

I have to think, if every bottle I take yells "Do not drive or operate heavy machinery!" - maybe it's the medication.  However, I thought, maybe I'm anemic. 

God knows my diet isn't the best.  Maybe I'm anemic, need to eat some liver or something.  Maybe I need an iron tablet.  Maybe I need to eat more salad. 

I plan to get a blood test at some point, I'm about due.  My lithium levels are fine, I don't need to worry about that for another 6 months or so. 

But, like I said, maybe I'm anemic.  I would love to "fix" some of the fatigue, if possible. 

I got the idea to check the web and see if they had any suggestions on dealing with fatigue due to medication.  I got a lot about chronic fatigue.  I'm sure it's awful but they have "reality", I don't.  I get so sick of wondering if something really exists, or not. 

I get so sick of being a slave to my moods - so exhausted - I'm actually willing to endure all this for the rest of my life.  What a statement. 

So.  The website had a little advice.  Rest more.  Eat better.  Get help doing your tasks.  "Avoid unimportant things". 

I thought about the things I've given up.  My Days Out.  My garden.  Most of my crafting.  Cooking.  Reading fiction.  Decorating.  Sometimes it feels like I've surrendered everything in my quest for mental health. 

At the end of the day I'm left with my faith, work, basic self-care, pets, Facebook, and blogging.  I've got more than I think. 

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