Thursday, February 6, 2014

It's not a stomach

I see it now and then, and it always drives me nuts. 

My "stomache" hurts.  My kid is having stomach problems.  People ask for details and you realize it is an abdominal issue, not a "stomache" one. 

Allow me to illustrate.  For the blind, I'll type it out.  You are sitting in a chair.  Your left upper belly is your stomach area.  The right upper belly is your liver/gallbladder area.  This is why doctors have always asked me to "point" if I had an abdominal issue.  The middle part is all abdomen, or intestines if you're not squeamish.  The lower middle part, between your hips, is the bladder area.  Behind it you will find the reproductive organs (some of them). 

If you want a doctor to take you seriously, use the proper terms.  I have always done that and have always gotten excellent care, even at the county hospital.  I am also careful to do that with Ron. 

Doctors love it, if, God forbid, it's to that point. 

It's ironic I chose to write this today. I have some gastritis, stomach irritation, due to my use of harsh drugs and over the counter painkillers (cycle time).  I feel very irritated and mildly queasy, and that's after I took my Haldol. 

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