Sunday, February 16, 2014

Theology and a mature subject

I have a faith; I don't have a "theology".  I find most of the nitpicking very annoying. 

I hate labels, which is an odd thing for me to say.  I have so many!  LOL 

I just want to worship Jesus and talk to Him. I want to share my troubles, ask for His guidance, and go where I'm sent. 

Is this one of those "Why can't all religions just get along" posts?  NO.  Absolutely not. 

To my eyes, the Bible is very clear on certain things; they are not to be endorsed or tolerated.  An example of that.  The Bible condemns homosexuality. 

However, one day I had nothing to watch.  I pulled up a matchmaker show.  The show happened to feature a gay man, and a lesbian, looking for love.  I kept hoping they would hit it off!  [grin] 

Anyway, I was actually OK with the show for a while (doesn't say much about my spiritual walk - and I don't hate ANYONE) but the talk became progressively more profane.  The men were made to take their shirts off, comments were made about the women, and then it ended with women sitting around talking about what they like during intimacy.  In a group.  On camera. 

I won't be watching that, again. 

I can't think of a time when I've talked about what Ron and I do together.  Frankly, it's private.  I'm certainly not going to talk about what I do, or like to experience.  That's for Ron to know. 

Ron's made it clear he won't talk about any of that, and he never has, not even when he's drinking.  He respects that.  In return, I respect his preferences and keep them private. 

No, we're not into anything wierd. 

It's just ours. 

So (big sigh) I see my spiritual life a lot like I see my sex life.  Odd comparison, I know, but it's true.  What I do with God is private.  I'll share some details but not all of it. 

I get tired when I hear people talking about their "special dreams from God".  I usually just scroll past all that unless it's Ron.  He's had one or two, basically in the "Don't give up" category. 

So, some people want to take it all apart and dissect it, a lot like the women on the program.  "Well, I like this".  "I really like this". 

I just believe in Jesus and the Bible.  That's it. 

What triggered all this?  Well, someone sent me a friend request.  Turns out they are a Calvinist.  Here's my understanding: everything is predestined, including who gets saved.  If you are not predestined, you will go to hell even if you wanted to get saved. 

Horrible.  I am NOT onboard!  It's, to me, elitest.  I'm not going to accept a request from someone active in a group like that. 

I'd sooner let in the lady who made the vicious comments because she didn't like the carpet in one of my Bubba photos. 

Then you get into even more wierdness.  Progressive - popular morals outweigh the Bible.  OK, I'll call that "bad".  "Dispensationalist" - I have no idea. 

I know "Jesus". 
I know Jesus wants me to share my faith; so I do, even when people laugh at us.  Especially then.

I don't care about your labels.  I have a good verbal intelligence, but my functional is crap.  Jesus said He valued a childlike faith; so I'm in. 

I've got that. 

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