Saturday, February 1, 2014

Each other

Today I did some extra prayer before my God time. 

I had some thoughts.
1.  We don't even know that they will ask us to share our area.  I'm just guessing that's what they're after, what with all the talk of "he might need a favor from you". 

2.  When we moved our vending machines, we lost 3 vending machines.  One of them was unusable at that time.  We went from 10 machines down to 6, working machines.  So, we lost 40% of our business.  We were fine.  God provided.  We were able to get one machine fixed, and yesterday we got one of our snacks back, so we're up to 80% (excepting a machine with a bad validator, which would more accurately measure at 75%).  The point is, we lost a lot of machines, and were fine

3.  The other vendor has 7 locations.  We had one.  We lost our one location, AND 40%, and we were fine.  No one rushed to help us, and we didn't want it.  We were happy for the 60%.  I love that about us: Ron and I are pretty good at counting blessings. 

They can afford to lose the business.  Like I said, they own their own home, big retirement and disability checks coming in every month... not counting the other 6 locations they have in the building.  I hear rumors they may lose 2, but 2 out of 7 is still only 29%; still better than we were for months. 

Like I always say about MY job, "It's an exciting challenge of faith.  We never know how much we'll make, or if the machines will stay working.  We have to leave it all up to God." 

I like to think, and hope, it's made me stronger as a result.  I pray they embrace it and grow closer to God and each other. 

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