Saturday, February 1, 2014


Sometimes I feel like an alien amongst humanity. 

Examples: a child lied to his parents and grandmother after breaking a house rule.  They thought it was "cute", and laughed.  He was not punished for lying or breaking the rule. 

That would not have happened to me, 30 years ago.  I would have been disciplined.  Maybe I'm just "mean".  Maybe my childhood was "horrible" but laughing at your child when he lies to you will just  breed defiance and disobedience. 

No, I'm not a parent. 

But, everyone else thought it was "cute".  It makes me feel very strange.  Am I not getting something?  Are you supposed to do this with your kids, let them backtalk and lie to you, break rules, and you don't discipline them?  Baffled.  Good word. 

Second:  all my Christian friends are very outraged about the Grammy's.  Like I told Ron, "What did you expect?  Communion?  An altar call?  Stars sharing their testimony of how they came to Jesus?"  Of course it was going to be "awful" from a Christian standpoint.  I have never watched those things, ever. 

Ironically, a week ago, I couldn't find any outrage over the abortion of a disabled baby, when his father expressly said he was aborting it "Because it is deformed".  [The baby had water on the brain - needs a shunt, that's it, all better.  Also had leg problems which would probably require some surgery but otherwise fine.]  They were all like "Oh, the poor man", and expressly agreed with his decision. 

What about the poor baby?  No outrage.  I got so upset I had to leave that message board for days.  I never did go look to see what they did with my thread (I could tell they had heavily edited the title and God knew what else inside the thread).  The bad thing about message boards vs. my blog: someone else can come along and completely alter my meaning, if they're so inclined. 

So... feeling baffled.  Maybe it's the Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.  All my bipolar friends seem pretty intune with the rest of the "normals". 

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