Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Passing the torch

Today was just WIERD. Nothing like yesterday (thankyouJesus!) - just really different from my usual day.

I rode with "Tina" again, I love her to death, she is a very good driver and very friendly, but completely brainwashed into the low-fat thinking. She proudly showed me the fruit she brought to work, because she is doing an "all fruit" thing now. I didn't have the heart to tell her that those are some of the most pesticide-laden fruits available and they would probably harm her health in the long run. I think she may need to meet another low-carber before she "gets" it.

As I got out, I told her, I eat a POUND of GREASY red meat every day, and I'm healthy. I just avoid trash carbs and all forms of sugar. Her eyes bugged out. Maybe next time she might be willing to listen; in the meantime she is absolutely convinced I have eaten some kind of secret, low-fat plan that I'm not sharing! Any diet plan would freak out over the amount of diet sodas I consume.

I hadn't had the time to do my Bibles, and I had the number 16 in my head, so that's how many I brought. I brought the stuff separately, and sat down and did them for about an hour at the Starbucks after Ron went home. Ron felt pretty groggy and miserable, so he had a very short time at Starbucks. I sat there doing them up, getting stared at occasionally, offering one to passersby if they paused long enough, and stuck them all into a plastic "thank you" style bag, into my larger tote.

I love my Tote. I got it from Hobby Lobby and I find it funny that my Bible Distribution tote comes from a chain run by major Christians. They are actually getting ready to open a large Bible museum.

On another note, a while back I figured if I ever "named" "My ministry" I had the perfect name: Fruitful Distribution Ministries! I am ALWAYS asking God for "Fruitful Distribution!" I can hand out a million items; but if God hasn't worked on their heart it is worthless and I might as well throw it in a dumpster. For now, I just do what God tells me to do. Which, today, was going out into the heat.

It was ghastlyhot with a hideous heat index. Hot and sunny! Ugh! I went to "My" gas station. I imagine all of them are offering some kind of large fountain drink special. Mine did. I got a bucket of icy cold diet pop and 4 bottles of soda. I felt very clever, slipping them into my mesh backpack so I could feel the icy coldness on my back. I wore a microfiber T-shirt.

I walked and walked in the heat. Got pretty ill. Sweating a lot, not a good sign. Was it the Wellbutrin? The heat? I kept on slogging along, telling God "When I get to Walmart I am going to DISTRIBUTE as many of these very heavy Bibles as possible!" I began fantasizing about these cute little Bibles I've seen, very small and light. How easy to carry.

Started getting shaky and tight-headachy. Cursing at myself. Some fun day out! I got mad at God. Why are you letting me get sick when You're the one who sent me out like this! I have plans, I'm going to go to Walmart, and then go to the Christian bookstore, and then Favorite Dollar. I'll stop by the grocery store and get Ron some pineapple on the way home!

I barely made it over to a shopping cart in the parking lot, flung all my stuff in there, and rolled into the store. I sat down for a good 15 minutes. Still felt lousy but not like I needed an ambulance; an improvement. I had horrible visions of waking up in some emergency room.

Not a very uplifting post, huh? Well, I am in a spiritual battle every day, and especially when I walk out of the house with my Bible Distribution bag. I will have to abbreviate it to BD bag. I knew I could not carry those Bibles all day. I knew if I did, I would end up in the emergency room. I knew God wanted me to hand them out, so I resolved to pass out as many as I could, discreetly, in the store and then hopefully hand it off to an employee to re-distribute for me once I left.

I have had fun Bible handouts there before, I know God has done a lot of preparation work. I know, absolutely, that God put it on me to hand this off to someone; passing the Bible Distribution torch for the day. This person could get Bibles to people I couldn't. I kept my eyes and spirit open.

I staggered over to the bathroom, about to commit the unspeakable crime due to nasty cramping. I got in there in time and prayed. Poor God. I pray ANYWHERE. [laugh] I am sure so many of his loving children only pray in "nice" places; I don't.

I came out, and my eye was immediately drawn to a nice teenaged girl waiting, obviously, to fill out a job application. I gave her a Bible. She was really excited and her mother got interested, so I offered her one. I asked God what I should be drinking and my eye was drawn to the water fountain. I had a drink. Oh, refreshing. Normally I hate to drink water.

I got my plastic cup from the gas station and began filling it with water. The Mom decided she didn't want what I had to offer (God, rather) and put her Bible back in my tote bag. But, as I left, they were both examining the one I'd given the daughter. Go figure. That is a perfect vignette for Heather, the Bible Distributor. The people you don't think, do; the ones you think will; won't.

I felt lousy, but I figured God would send me the right person at the right time. I am proud enough that it would take this kind of illness to FORCE me to hand over the Bible bag to a stranger (or even a dear friend). I admit it. I am proud and stubborn, not necessarily a good quality. Did come in handy after Ron's accident when everyone had him dead or in a nursing home. I'm stubborn; and too proud to quit without a hellacious fight.

I had primarily come to the store to get a new alarm clock. Very annoying ongoing issue finally snapped me this morning and cost me some sleep. If I hit the wrong button, an hour of music unless I unplug it. AGH. I ended up unplugging my lamp in addition to the alarm clock!

So, new alarm clock. As soon as I asked, the lady said "Behind you" like they always do (I am terrible at asking for directions). I found a nice one for about $6. I also have that photo shoot coming up, and I want to have a fresh complexion. So I wanted to look at the facial stuff. I love my Neutrogena bar but maybe an exfoliator or alpha-hydroxy product.

I wobbled over there, and found a product that combined both, but the AVOID THE SUN FOR A WEEK warning kind of killed that. I found a nice generic brand exfoliator and stuck that in the cart.

I got some Powerade, I didn't know what had me sick (as near as I can guess, a combination of heat, lithium, anti-psychotic messing with heat tolerance, and maybe some low blood sodium), but figured any medical person would tell me to drink it. I got the Zero flavor, no sugar. I wasn't THAT sick! [laugh]

I felt sick enough that I decided; go home. Sick enough that the bus was out; and I decided to call a cab. I am pretty cheap. If I'm willing to cough up between $10 and $20, and I only have $50 left in my budget, I'm sick.

I remembered a very friendly checker and headed straight for her line, but she was closed. I picked another cashier. She was very kind and absolutely delighted with the Bible.

I knew it. "I have a wierd favor to ask..." Sure, she replied, happy to hand out the large thank-you-sack of Bibles bagged with scripture booklets and candy to "other employees". Awesome. I am praying for God to protect her job. I am a little worried about that, but it was obvious that God wanted me to pass her the torch today. That God has her back.

I just thought that was so interesting, like a very intricate puzzle. I had handed out other stuff before I got to Walmart; one day I may meet a few people who give me a yell "Thanks for the candy with the scripture booklet!"

I collapsed on bench. I was too tired to get the address and called Ron. Ron was feeling pretty perky and was happy to dispatch a cab. It arrived in 5 minutes; striking. Well, let's just say my alarm clock cost about $20 instead of $6! I could swallow that, especially when I reminded myself how expensive it is to ride in an ambulance, the embarrassment of passing out in public (I did that once from heat exhaustion as a teen - they didn't know antidepressants messed with heat tolerance), and the quietude and peace I'd find in my own bed.

The driver got a Bible, too. You KNEW that was coming. He was delighted with the tip. Hey, worth it! The way I see it, a cab driver is a superhero who rides to your rescue when you need him. I laid down for a couple hours after finishing off my Powerade. I have a slight headache and feel a little warm, but I know I'll be fine.

Ron is feeling a LOT better. Good. I hate to see him suffer, that must have been how he felt "watching" me on Saturday with the migraine.

All in all, a very odd day. Obviously the BD bag needs a rework on my Days Out. Do I bring my rolling bag? I did that Sunday and it worked OK. Do I skip the multiple stops? Just ride the bus to the shopping center and only stay there until I go home? I have a feeling it will mean that. Aggravating, I'm one of those busy bees wanting to fly all over and do lots of things.

God's trying to slow me down; I need to get better at listening. All I need to do tonight; take out the trash and cook up a nice stir-fry. I had a great dream during my nap, I was cooking delicious pork ribs. Ron loved them.

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