Monday, March 1, 2010

I'm not hurt; relieved rather.

According to my email, it's been 4 days since I left the message board. I would have thought, before this all happened, that I would be devastated. In fact, when I had experienced quite a bit of bullying in one of the forums, a few years back, I begged them to let me keep my blog.

I believe the deletion of my blog was a punitive act for leaving, once I realized the new management would never tolerate me. But it's funny.

I'm not hurt. In fact, when I think about it, I have a tremendous sense of relief! I can speak freely, I don't have to worry about irritating some high-level admin. Assuming I am a decent human being (I believe so, when medicated), I have all my freedom of speech. If I become some kind of radical, extremist, hater, then of course I would expect Blogger to respond.

However, here I have freedom of religion. I didn't realize how constricted I was, but I feel that leaving the message board is akin to taking off a tight-fitting garment. It's like OH, thank you.

I wanted anyone who might be worried about me to realize this. God has given me peace.

Now, about my day today.

We got up TOO EARLY. I slept LOUSY last night, too. I took a 2 hour nap instead of the one hour that normally sustains me. It was cold and rainy.

I gave away my only umbrella! [laugh] I don't regret it. I'm glad I did it... I just felt foolish walking in the rain. Ron's not a big fan of me + umbrella because I tend not to be aware of him, and poke him repeatedly. When he had the use of both arms, he preferred to carry it. I got a little wet, so what.

We got there early enough to get both deliveries. One guy I know for sure is saved, so I just took him one of the 500 ml Dr Peppers. We had bought them when Dr Pepper shorted us on our bottle count. They are 3.1 ounces smaller than our customary bottle, but better than no bottle. We sold a case or two and now have about half a case of leftovers. I give them to delivery guys; Ron doesn't want to sell them.

The other guy is an unknown. He kind of chuckles indulgently when I give him the driver candy, but he takes it! Yay!

I gave out one Bible today, and put out some stuff at work. I hope they enjoy it. I am really itching to get a case of the Bibles up at the top of my blog. They're great. At one place, I can get them for a dollar! They are popular; it's a great translation (about 7-8 grade reading), and it's a whole Bible. If you would like to pray that I can get a few cases (I can afford them, I live frugally), that would be great.
The last time I went to the bookstore, the stash (over 100 Bibles) had been completely sold out, down to one single Bible. They said, maybe Thursday... but I work Thursday... wait a minute, Chuck is going to run errands with us Thursday, so that would rock. My other concern WAS getting home these 17 pound cases of Bibles. Anyway, ask God to expedite it if His will and make His will plain.
So, tomorrow I guess I'll get some New Testaments, and hand out same. It's not what I would do, but it's not my ministry - it's God's. God can use anything for good, even a torn-up tract has led people to Jesus.
We did it all at work. We stocked EVERYTHING. Ron embarked on a project of thawing out the freezer. Yuck. I will need to do some laundry! He had me climbing behind the freezer to make sure the drain was connected to the bucket (one was, one wasn't!), and other filthy tasks, so no problem.

I thank God every time I do laundry - a washer and dryer! What lovely gifts from God (and my husband). I never get tired of them.
My weight was up a pound - water retention? I also actually had an appetite. Frankly, it scared me! I'm like - No! I plan to make some more eggsalad. Well, I plan to make egg salad and add some salmon to it.
We had a good trip home, and then it was off to bed for us both! I slept 2 hours. I plan to catch up on some laundry issues (I have clean stuff I need to put up), and basic house-keeping. Like anyone, I feel it gets away from me.
Then I need to do my prayer time and Bible study, eat, laundry, dishes, bag up driver candy, and do some Bibles to hand out tomorrow. I don't really know where I'll go, but I'm sure I'll have fun.
Take care! (((hugs)))


Ginny said...

GO HEATHER!! Your doing amazing work for the Lord!

Don't know if I commented on your new pictures, but you look FANTASTIC!! I can really see a difference in your shape!

I'm praying you have a great day tomorrow, whatever it is you do!

Natalie said...

I just wanted to let you know that I really enjoy reading your blog. I read it daily over at the board and I am so glad that I was able to find you here. I think that what you do is wonderful and I wish you only the best.


Heather Knits said...

Thank you, Natalie and Ginny!

I was concerned people might not be able to find me, Nat. Thanks for letting me know you did!