Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Curse my work ethic!

I had told Ron I needed to go to the wholesaler, and buy candy bars for work. The only day that worked for this week was today. Today is my customary day off. Yesterday, we took Ron to the doctor.

I woke up today with a throbbing migraine. I couldn't have gone back to sleep, though, knowing that we would have empty coils in the vending machine until Saturday. No, I got up, took my phenergan.

I overslept so I did what prayer I could manage, in the shower. I'm sure God appreciated my efforts. I geared up with a barf bucket, just in case. [rolleyes] Fortunately, I did not need the bucket.

So, I went to the wholesaler, with a migraine. I handed out driver candy and Bibles. I got the candy bars and some Sun Chips, because I had a special request. I got some nice assortement boxes - half a dozen each of several candy bars; far more in line with our budget than the larger cases.

I got 14 more pounds of hard wrapped assorted Driver Candy, paid for with "My" money. Still felt horrible. Got to work, thanking God for 2 hours only. I cursed my work ethic more than once.

I stocked everything and helped Ron; making it clear than lifting and bending were out of the question with the headache. He was sympathetic and supportive.

I had PLANNED to go out after work, but that proved impossible, so we just went home, I took another phenergan and went to bed for a while. I got up when I started having nightmares. Migraine nightmares tend to linger.

My TV was acting up, so Ron got the satellite company out to fix it within a few hours. Yay!

I did up over a dozen bags of Driver Candy and squealed over my new tracts. I still have some interesting stabby pains, but it's abating.

God wants more Bibles at work, so I'm going to do them up before I go to bed. Hopefully, tomorrow, I can have a Day Out after work - get my hair cut, and finally chase down more baggies for Driver Candy. Walmart was completely out. I was shocked.

I also plan to get some herbal remedies for migraine prevention. I used to get a lot of migraines between about 95-2005. The feverfew did a good job of helping to prevent the headaches.

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