Saturday, March 13, 2010

I've noticed, on the Wellbutrin, I tend to get a migraine right before my cycle. I plan to discuss this with Doc. Would it be possible to taper back for a few days before? Keep the same dose? He'll know; that's why I pay him! [laugh]

It's not an awful one, I just have to be careful moving, NO desire to go out on this nice, sunny day. Light's a little painful, but I don't need to prostrate myself in bed with a bag of ice. Just take care of myself.

Ron and I were discussing my tendency to get into the whole "rescuing others" tendency. Today, I probably would have tried to "do" too much if I hadn't had the headache. I want to work on that tract; cleaning, stuff like that. They are all good activities, but sometimes I just need to REST.

Partly because I have a part-time job, I have a hard time doing so. I've got my other part time job, evangelism. Taking care of Ron - add it up, it's a pretty good number for someone who would "never" be able to support herself and always need adapted employment.

It's hard to admit, even to myself, that yes, I have a reduced capacity. It is just as harmful to hold myself up to the "normal" stick in this regard as it would in any other. I cheerfully accept the fact I can't drive, and will never be able to do so. I appreciate that I was never able to drive, and lost it. It's far easier when the whole concept has just been science fiction, not something I used to do.

I can admit I have terrible short-term memory, and audio processing difficulties. [shrug] Not a big deal, and I can use the "audio" thing to my advantage, by tuning out annoyances. I have a loving husband, who doesn't mind telling me, for the fourth time, the time of our pickup. I don't have a problem asking for accomodations, or working them out for myself.

But I feel like I "should" be able to work, serve God, care for my husband, and care for my home without special handling. I "should" be able to get out there every day, handing out Bibles and Driver Candy, sharing my testimony, getting more supplies and bringing them home on the bus, while sharing Bibles and Driver Candy with the drivers, caring for my husband, and still coming home, doing all the dishes, and cooking a couple days' worth of meals for us both.

That's Devil talk! I have LIMITS. I need to respect those limits! God had the 4 commandment (Sabbath day) for a reason, for us to take a DAY OFF AND REST every week. I've been confusing "Have a Day Out now and then" with "Take a day off every week".

I need to do both: have a day (or a few hours) out just for me, and take another day when I rest up and do nothing besides heat up a meal for us. Otherwise, I'll get sick and have to take far more time than I'd like.

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