Friday, March 5, 2010

Four weapons of the Devil

Tomorrow, I'll tell you all about my big street evangelism project; handing out Bibles to complete strangers. It's only rarely I hand one out to a friend! One thing that incited me to this; a few obvious attacks.

Now, none of this is spelled out in the Bible, it's just my own personal observation. You can decide what you think. Your opinion is the only one that should matter to you!

When you are doing good work for God, or you get saved, absolutely expect attacks from the Devil. He is angry; he's going to do what he can to hurt you. He's PISSED. You got away! He wanted you in HELL! The only thing that makes him angrier than YOUR salvation; when you work for God in saving others.

[As I type this, I'm listening to Little Dre, a Gospel Rapper]

I will restate this: If the Devil isn't attacking you, you need to review your walk with God! He doesn't bother with useless Christians!

Attack #1 - probably the scariest - Physical Attacks.
Last year, I was shot with a BB gun, and violently mugged on another occasion. Obvious physical attacks; the attackers were just pawns of the Devil. I pray for them 2 x a day. We're all scared of being hurt - this is the Devil's most DRAMATIC attack. He can only do this if God allows it. When I am physically attacked, while working for God, I get ANGRY. I say, "Oh, I'm a threat? Watch THIS!" I really ramp up whatever God's got me doing and completely surrender myself to Him so He can use me even more.

Attack 2: Attacking your health
This can only happen if God allows it; generally, in my case, it's to teach me humility and dependence on God. I have it vividly brought home: Outside of God, I am NOTHING.

Things like physical illness, chronic condition flares, etc... all fall under this category. It works, because it gets our minds off of God's work and onto our own problems. I know, I complain a lot. Why me? This isn't fair God, I'm working for You! We have to look at this as another learning opportunity.

We need to realize, we are doing good work for God if our health is getting attacked. Also, God needs us to learn something. In my case, generally humility and dependence on Him. I tend to get sick, when I'm running ahead of Him and doing things for my glory and in my will, not His.

Attack #3, most evil in my book
Attacking us, through our families. Attacking a family member's health; causing a family member to stumble in their walk with God, or in my case, causing a total psychotic rant that did a lot of damage (I totally went off on a family member). We have to realize, this does not indicate our failure, rather, it's a measure of our success! If you're soaked in sins, like a marinating chicken, the Devil doesn't bother you much. Why? Warriors for God come in for HIS hatred. If God won't allow him to attack your health, he may go after your family.

My husband has a chronic pain condition; as I ramp up my work for God I notice he suffers more. When we were shacking up, and I'd rather walk naked down the street than share my faith, we both had good health. As we both do more work for God's Kingdom, he suffers. He has stumbling blocks, like all of us do (mine are gossip, judging, and pride).

You cannot take this attack personally; it is not "Your Fault". God is using this problem to work on your loved one's walk with Him. We all need more work, and sometimes pain is the best teacher.

What I do, is turn Ron over to God. I remind myself that God loves Ron FAR more than I do. God hates to see Ron suffer even more than I do! God has allowed this to happen, to make Ron a better person in the long run. He also allows it to teach me to depend more fully on Him. Like I said, we all need work on our faith walk!

Fourth and most sneaky
Tonight I was prepping my Bibles to hand out tomorrow. A lot of annoying little things kept coming up. Where is the so and so? Oh, almost knocked over my soda? I had my music on random play, and it seemed like everytime I got working a disagreeable song came up! I'd have to get up, step carefully, and forward to a "good" song. I kept getting distracted by things that didn't matter - this happens a LOT during prayer and Bible study time.

I have to stop, refocus, realize that this is an attack, and respond accordingly. I choose not to react; I will not get flustered. I will not get annoyed. I will not get distracted. I have a job to do and I'll do it!

I hope you find this helpful! I would have loved to read something like this, years ago.

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