Saturday, January 22, 2022

Attack of the Widow Brain

 There's a "thing" known as widow brain where widows lose things, forget things, etc.  It is pretty common.  I had it last year when I lost my wallet; I had it again today.  

I just could not find my compression socks, and I tore up the house looking for them.  I had a hard time getting started, I was nice and cozy with my feather (used to be Ron's) quilt, lying in bed with Torbie on top of me purring.  Very hard to get up; but I did, and then I couldn't find my compression socks.  

Well, crap.  I put on some nice wool socks (cold today) and went to work.  Work was pretty uneventful.  I took the bus home and had really good connections, got out to the bus stop right as the bus approached, the homeless guy at the bus stop didn't hassle me, the driver stopped (they don't always if there is a homeless person at the stop), and then I had a good connection to the second bus I needed to get home.  We did get stuck in traffic but still not bad considering.  I will be glad when they get it all paved around the bus stop, right now it is pretty rough.  

I got home (nothing in the mail box) and tore the house up for an hour looking for those damned socks.  I looked in Ron's room, the orange room, the garage, the laundry room, ALL OVER my room.  Couldn't find it.  Well, I will be working several LONG shifts coming up next week, I need some good socks.  So I found the guys who sold me the first batch (which performed very well) and ordered another batch.  

About an hour later I walked into the bedroom and saw a dresser drawer open.  I went to shut it and there they were, all my compression socks laughing at me from the drawer.  I thought they were in a shoe box, that's how I had kept them.  But I got efficient and put them in the dresser, a good call I might add, but I went out of town right after, didn't work for a few days after I got home, and completely forgot I had put them there.  

But it could have been a lot worse; I could have lost my phone, cash, a credit card.  I could have lost one of the things I need for work.  I did not.  I can wear my socks tomorrow.  And the new socks weren't expensive.  I can use them for certain.  

I took a shower and washed my hair, got that all done.  My hair gets frizzy the next day, if I wash it the night before, but I am committed to doing this.  Besides I am not trying to catch a man.  The one guy I might be interested in I don't know his last name, if he's married, if he is saved (very important), any of that so as far as I know he's off limits.  

I had some decaf coffee with collagen in it, it was pretty good but a little rough on my stomach.  I had a shot of apple cider vinegar with honey in some water, and ate some cheese and crackers for dinner with my medication.  

And I am getting ready to go to bed.  That's it for now.  

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