Friday, January 21, 2022

Fun if you are a student of Bible Prophecy (or just want to look at my house)

 In Revelation it talks about the woman riding the beast, the woman being the false church riding the antichrist out of the sea, it is a rather confusing and obscure passage but I always think of it when I see this:  

Yes, that is Baby Girl riding the bear.  the orange striped blanket is the one I bought on my trip, purse in foreground.  Black and white bag between purse and bear is what I use for work.  

I thought it was funny and deserved a share.  She does this for hours at a time which is why I put the old t shirt up there.  I don't want her to mess up his fur.  

That, by the way, is the bear that freaked out my first responders the day Ron died.  

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