Saturday, January 29, 2022

Getting ready for another long day

 But it will be about $100 net in my pocket after taxes.  I thought it was funny, last night Dad thanked me for paying into social security as he draws a retirement check.  I doubt SS will be around for me in 20 years but you never know.  

I slept better last night, not great but better.  Work was fine, a little slow.  I don't expect it to be too crazy today as it's not a payday yet.  And too early for people to be getting back their income tax.  

Speaking of I am waiting on 2 forms, one from the blind vendors and one from the mortgage company, before I can file my taxes.  I also need to make some copies of my w2 as that is proof of income and I may need that for Medicaid or something.  I could probably get food stamps, too.  I may think about that.  

Don't get me wrong, I am not complaining, and I have enough to eat.  I am just thinking ahead.  When my aunt moves all the files move with her I suppose so I can't just call her and ask her to bring something over; I will need to have my stuff on hand.  So easy to make a copy, my printer will do that.  

I am going to try to look at paint chips at work today just in case they don't have the "Fiji" paint chip at Home Depot when I get the paint.  I want a nice turquoise.  I have a denim blue bedspread and will do navy curtains.  I am thinking of white or black storage and then some big feather pillows on the bed in yellow and hot pink.  

I try not to have too much furniture in the house as it is very easy to overcrowd a small house.  My inlaws did that, you could barely turn around.  My front room is nice and open, the orange room will be once I move the candy operation to Ron's room, my bedroom just has the dresser, bed, and footlocker.  Oh, and a small nightstand.  I plan to use Ron's room as candy bagging operation, guest bedroom, backup bed for me if a cat gets sick in my bed in the middle of the night, something like that.  

One night Torbie (gross alert) had a toilet accident in my bed, while I was sleeping, right next to my head.  And I had to get up and wash everything.  Really ate into my sleep.  It would be great just to move over (shut the door!) and get more sleep, then address the issue the next day.  

Speaking of the cats I made myself a sandwich this morning, turkey and salami.  Baby girl loves lunchmeat turkey.  So I gave her some.  I did my God Time and I always give the brown girls treats when I do that, so she got treats.  I went to take my probiotic and she was smacking my hand with her paw wanting to eat it.  I showed it to her and she went away.  I just hope she doesn't get sick from the turkey.  

That's it for now, take care!  


Anonymous said...

You complain about not having any money and than rattle on about buying this or that for Ron's bedroom. Which is it? Or is this your way of taking advantage of the kindness of christians to get money?

Heather Knits said...

I was given money to fix up Ron's bedroom, for the express purpose. I am doing what I was asked, make it nice. I will take lots of photos and invite her over to see it, when it's done. I have really depressing "before" photos as well.

I used to do non profit accounting and the principle is similar: if given money for a specific purpose that is all you use it on. For instance, will not be using "Bedroom" money to buy groceries or anything. If someone gave me money "for the cats" I would spend it on the cats only.

If, after this is all done, I have money left (quite possible as I got a nice bid on the work) I will offer it back, if she says "go spend it on yourself/spend it on the cats" I will then do so.

It is a lot like the Bible money, I have had people sending me money "for Bibles" off and on for the last 10 years and that is all I did with it. I have to answer to God for all this, you know.