Sunday, January 9, 2022

Home again (Sunday night)

 Work went well I am done for the day.  I basically have to go to bed the minute I stop typing, though.  I had enough time to take a shower, call my aunt, call Mom and Dad, and eat some cheese and crackers, take my pills.  Then bed.  

I am getting up early tomorrow and taking the bus to work, trying to save some money.  It should be a little exciting trying to get my rides in the dark (no streetlight) but I will manage.  I plan to do my grocery shopping after work.  

The cats are good.  That's it for now.  


Unknown said...

Hi Heather. I don't expect you remember me, I was So-Blessed aka Clare on the Rapture Ready forum years ago. My husband and I were just sitting here thinking about you and wondering how you were and if you were still doing bible handouts. So I found your blog,took a look and here you are!
I am so very sorry to learn that you have lost your dear husband Ron. I don't know when it was but I'll scan the blog to see if I can find out,but it seems recent. So sending you much love from the UK.We will be lifting you to our Lord in prayer for sure. Our hearts break for your loss but rejoice Ron has seen his Redeemer face to face.
I do hope you will find a new job that works for you too.
Lots of love in Christ dear Heather. Clare xx

Heather Knits said...

Hi! I am handing out scripture booklets in bags of candy to bus drivers right now.

Ron got a lot worse with his back, bed bound, developed Alzheimer's, died of a sudden heart attack at home last March 6. I just came home from running an errand and found him dead; but thinking about it that's a lot better than him going from the Alzheimer's. They did a very thorough autopsy.

I am working at Walmart, they basically called me last year and said the job was mine if I wanted it, no interview. So I took it, it has worked well for me, enough to live on. Ron had a life insurance policy that paid off the house that helped a lot too.
