Wednesday, December 23, 2020


 I went to sleep OK but woke up at 2, got up for a while, went back to bed around 3.  Ron was up; we talked a little.  I hate it when my sleep's messed up.  I got up at 5 for pill time and went back to bed until 8.  

I heated up my coffee (I have it on a timer and it turns off 30 minutes after it brews), took my shower, did my God Time, took care of Ron.  I thought about it some and asked Ron if he wanted some Miralax.  He thought about it for a while and said yes, so I made a Walmart delivery order.  I also added some chocolate milk because he is lactose intolerant and that will get things moving if anything.  

It can't hurt.  So I have that coming in half an hour/hour or so.  They still had slots available for today I was impressed.  I had a little trouble checking out, it wanted to charge me (I am a plus member and therefore free), once I fixed that it said "OH you want substitutions!" so I will see what I get.  

I tried to take a nap but couldn't, my sleep is jacked up.  And I am being careful with caffeine.  I think it is a combination of PMS and depression.  

So we will see.  Ron did eat a good dinner which is good.  My fancy coffee came and I put it under the tree.  I think it will be more fun like that.  

I want to have a big pity party but that won't do any good.  I will focus on the positive as usual.  

I am also doing (my) laundry.  The cats are coming home with muddy paws and jumping right up in my bed.  I am choosing to see that as "cute".  After all, my bed is right next to the cat door.  

That's it for now.  

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