Saturday, December 26, 2020

Saturday morning

Slept OK.   Up at 3:30, my phone said (I play an audio track of a dryer) I got about 7:30 hours sleep, so not bad.  Maybe I just need a little less sleep these days.  

I was WIDE awake so I got up, did my God time, etc.  Pretty unremarkable day.  

I did ask Ron some of the questions I have developed and he said he wants to stay in bed he feels "safe" there.  I didn't ask him where he sees himself in 6 months but it is a good question I will ask.  

He said he wanted me to fix him something I had before, he described something that sounded very like cream of chicken soup.  I am stumped because I have never had cream of anything in my house.  I do have a stash of chicken soups.  

Note on that, he had some sort of vomiting illness a few years back, one of those 12 hour bugs.  He wanted chicken soup as he got better and I didn't have any, so the next time I went to the store I bought half a dozen cans of various types.  

Now when I was sick as a child I was given the chicken noodle soup with the microscopic bits of chicken in a yellow, flavorless, broth.  I hated that stuff.  I always know when I'm sick because my appetite is first to go and my adoptive mom was always pushing me to eat the soup, would take it back and rewarm it later on, the same damned bowl for days on end.  So I didn't get any of that it will be a COLD day before I have that in my house.  

But I did get some chicken and rice. Ron said he would like to try that so we did half a can.  I was impressed, it had a lot of rice and would be great for recovery.  I will get a few more cans next time I go to the store.  That helped but Ron did ask if I could make a grilled cheese.  

I had the supplies on hand 👍 so I made one each for us.  His was a little well done but he didn't mind.  Biscuit went nuts when he saw the cheese in my hand (American) he begged and begged until I let him smell it and determine that no, it was not cheddar.  Normally I don't eat until after 11 and it was only 8 but one day won't kill me.  

I also tried (not at the same time that would have been horrible heartburn) the Cafe Bustello.  I bought the brick and put it in my empty can of decaf store brand (with a label).  It was pretty good, it had nice soft, fine, grounds, which I like, smelled good, had a strong flavor.  I am not a connoisseur but I will drink it up and may buy more.  I have some other coffees including the Walmart brand French Roast to try, but worst case I can always go back to Seattle's Best that is very good coffee (I have tried the French Roast, and the decaf).  I have found I really enjoy a very dark coffee.  That is easy to satisfy.  It has been pretty difficult to find a good, darker roast, decaf but I am doing pretty well with Community Coffee and Seattle's Best for that.  

Oh, a funny note, I talked to my brother yesterday.  He is doing well.  We got to talking about food and he says he hates pork in any form.  OOOPS.  I had put a can of pulled pork in his goodie box.  "But I love fish" so I took out the pork and put in a can of kippered herring.  He doesn't have a fridge right now (come on stimulus!) so everything has to come out of a can, basically.  I wish I could just buy him one but I have, "like" $25 in my account.  Compounding this he is type one diabetic which shoots my risk very high (Dad is not his father, so I have risk on both sides) I am really thinking about what I put in my mouth, let me tell you.  

Oh, and I got hives last night, I think from the French Vanilla.  That is the only thing I did differently although Ron made a good point it could be the herbs I take.  So no herbs today.  Hives aren't too bad but remind me of my misery back in 2009.  

NOTHING like that thank God.  Just a couple of very itchy welts.  If it gets bad I actually still have some steroid cream, I found it when I was organizing and kept it because I do get hives occasionally.  And it's not going to fail my liver if it's expired, it just won't help.  

I have had a problem doing my God Time.  I like to sit on a folding chair in the orange room (formerly computer room, aka "office") and read my devotionals and daily Bible stuff.  I have various things going at any given time but right now a Bible Study on Genesis, two Daily Bibles (laid out differently), "Project World" prayer guide, and some devotionals.  The reading works fine I have a little table basically I made out of stackable storage totes.  I would like to get the clear ones, though, the pink kind of clashes with the orange (side note).  But I have a big notebook full of prayer requests - a binder - and it is a little hard to balance in my lap.  So today I moved out to the kitchen table and that worked pretty well.  I think I will do that every day.  It is foolish to get a table for the room if there is another table literally 10 feet away.  It is basically my scrapbook I have photos and such stuffed in there alone with my notes.  

Some churches provide 4x6 photos of their missionaries with a few facts and then a nice shot of the family together on location.  I pick those up whenever I can and stick them in my book (I have photo pages for just this) and then I can pray more directly.  Don't get me wrong, everyone (including you) gets prayed for daily but I like to focus a little if it works out.  Voice of the Martyrs also sent me a photo of a "front line worker" and his family he is a secret missionary basically.  They asked me not to disseminate the photo for that reason so he won't get arrested.  So he's in there too.  The binder is probably one of my most cherished possessions.  I have cried many a tear over that binder.  

The binders never last long but there is always a new binder, the pages, most of them, have been in there for well over 10 years now.  I have them in sheet protectors.  

That's it for now.  

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