Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Caught with the other woman!


I slept well last night, woke up, gave Ron his pills, back to bed for a while.  I got up and took care of Ron and the cats.  

I went to Walmart.  I needed some home care items, wanted a new pair of sweats (very comfy!), needed some small gifts (no one is expecting a big gift this year but I want to give SOMETHING), etc.  I could also use some coffee, I had planned to try the Bustello.  

So I got there and knocked out most everything on the list, got over to the coffee section and no Cafe Bustello.  Well I guess I am not buying that.  They did have my Community Coffee Special dark roast decaf coffee, and some generic brand French roast which promised me a "rich and satisfying experience".  What the heck, only $3.88 I think so I got it.  We will see how that works when I run out of the fancy Seattle coffee (if I don't order more of the fancy Seattle coffee with my gift card).  

Then I headed over to the pet section and they were almost out of our litter!  I get the 38 pound Scoop Away or Fresh Step (they don't care which), they only had one case of EITHER so I hurried up and took it.  They did, as always, have the Iams Urinary care formula in the 7 pound bag.  

If I was honest with myself I would go ahead and buy the giant bag from Chewy.  That is one thing I want to do for my brother, get him some presents for his animals, some sort of rabbit, cat, and dog treats.  And of course something for him, I have an idea about that.  

But I did get "parental" and "aunt and uncle" gifts today so that's good.  My aunt was going to ship Dad's gifts for me but I think I will wait until they are back from their trip, next year (traveling to visit his mother in law and technically my only surviving (step) grandmother).  I think that will be better because I don't want someone to have to pick it up if it gets there late, and what I have seen at work it's going to run late.  Better to just adapt.  

So I got all that and did pretty well with my budget, too.  I checked out, I waited about 30 seconds which was great.  I went outside.  

Now the home care thing was bulky and on the bottom of the cart, too big for a bag.  That was OK I don't care if someone sees it.  Ron might because it would obviously be for him but me by myself I don't care.  

There was an older lady on a scooter who came over when she got a good look at me and struck up a conversation about the home care item.  She got quite animated talking about how her friend had sold her several packages for cheap.  I agreed that was a good deal.  She looked very disappointed when my Uber showed up.  

I got home, nothing exceptional about that but most of the cats got in the garage when I was bringing stuff in the house, so I can't shut the door until I see them all at once.  I am currently missing a few cats I believe are out there, and I have accidentally locked cats in the garage before.  They weren't happy about that.  

I got everything put up.  I had to rearrange one cabinet to make room, but it went well.  I am OK on a stepladder but anything above 3 feet off the ground I do poorly (scared of heights).  But I got it and am very happy with the arrangement.  I set up the coffee pot.  I have it set for AM coffee (leaded of any variety) and PM (Decaf of any variety).  It works very well I just have to load it.  

I will be going to bed early tonight as I have an early pickup tomorrow.  That's it for now.  

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