Friday, December 18, 2020

Friday night

 I have noted when something upsets me it generally indicates I need to work on that in my own life.  For instance, codependents.  Can't stand them.  I can't stand to be around other bipolars and mentally ill because they remind me how bad I could get.  

I think I have gotten better about whining (this would be a really good time for feedback if I had the comments).  I just wish people were clean in their motives.  

I have found when I say "I had a rough day and I want you to tell me I'm a poor baby" more or less that's what I get.  I don't have to play poor pitiful me if I come right out with it and say it.  And I do my best to surround myself (inner circle) with people who get that.  

I don't like people who play games to get sympathy.  Just lay it out, for instance "It's my day off and I have a bad headache.  Why ALWAYS on my day off?"  The people in my life get that and even the crankiest readers did as well.  

But you dress it up in other clothes it is still the same thing.  So my attitude is just say it.  I have a theory or two about my Dad and the way he raised me (not bad but not mine to talk about).  But he was always very straightforward and taught me to be, as well.  It has made for some social awkwardness but I prefer to live this way.  

And a lot of people have experiences of being beat down when they did ask for help, I get that.  I was thinking today I only saw a doctor once after I moved to CA, when I lived with my parents.  Bad flu with horrible sore throat?  Here's some nyquil and that awful chicken soup in the can.  Sleep it off.  I didn't even know people went and got antibiotics for bad throats until I moved in with Ron.  So I get that.  

It's sad.  But that is the thing about being raised by a very straightforward person, and then marrying one.  Ron does not play games like that anymore.  Today, in fact, he had a gripe with me, felt I was smothering him.  He couldn't WAIT to get rid of me.  He was very clear on that.  So I left, he was fine. 

I would rather he tell me "Go away, you're smothering me" than bottle it up.  

He is having an ongoing issue, not major but frustrating for both of us.  I haven't asked if I can talk about that so I'm going to wait but there are a lot of remedies in the deck and I have tried 3 just today (he isn't sick).  

I am debating going to my bank.  Nice, they are open tomorrow.  But it may rain so I will see.  It would be nice to have the option to get a grocery delivery, I am out of bacon (scream!) and low on some other things I didn't consider. 

I guess I can say I would like to get my brother some good coffee, he mentioned drinking it during our last phone call.  I have a brand I really like and would be fun to get him a little bag of that.  But I don't think I'm going to ship anything (to him or my parents) for 2 weeks give the Post Office time to get everything cleared out.  Everyone already knows this, and it also gives me time/money to get additional items if I want.  

It is funny I could use a large coffee mug but I gave all mine away some years ago, I had about 50 mugs from various states and countries, even a White House mug, but they were taking over and I couldn't really do any sort of rack with the cats.  I think I'll look on the Amazon website.  Not much that I want. Maybe  I'm not seeing what I want, I think what I want is at a gas station, a plastic mug, good size. I think Stripes has it, I will see.  

If not no big deal plenty of styrofoam (which I recycle).  

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