Thursday, December 3, 2020

The damned thing came back (Thursday morning)\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

 Harris county is at "threat level red" for the virus so I have to think I got sick to prevent me getting the virus at Sam's Club or work, today.  I woke up in the middle of the night, miserable, and it has gotten worse since then.  

I am clearly OK for Bible Study and computer but not picking up and stocking heavy cases of water.  I had planned to call Jack today but not happening.  "Something" told me to wait on calling him until this morning.  

Happily not vomiting but just an overall crappy feeling and a drilling pain on the right side of my head.  I did take care of Ron and paid the water bill, did my Bible study.  

Lately I have been hitting various books of the Bible a couple different ways, one reader, a couple days later start the at the beginning with another reader, and a third one with some commentary just to keep me fresh.  It works I feel I am "getting" more out of it.  For instance I just finished up Romans.  I have 2 "daily readers" that just covered it and I also had a booklet from World Missionary Press that was very good.  Then I started on Revelation with the WMP booklet, and then my 2 daily readers will start covering it in a week or so.  So I will be soaking it up different ways, kind of like when I water a plant outside, soak the ground, let it absorb, and soak it some more.  

I used to have excellent reading comprehension but my medication has done a number on that.  I probably read at about a 7th grade level now and I used to be college level when tested in my teens.  I remember one of my favorite books as a teen was "Crime and Punishment" pretty tough reading.  I don't do a lot of reading but non-classic literature seems to be OK.  Everything I've done on my kindle, when it was working, etc.  

Hopefully I get the tablet this year I do miss the Kindle.  My adoptive mom said she had ordered one present which was one the way and should arrive next week.  Then I think a gift for Ron, and the cats.  The cats are easy, Temptations treats in any flavor.  Ron I suggested an inexpensive radio or two or the back massager he loves.  He burns them up every month or so with constant use but doesn't care, and they are a lot cheaper than Gabapentin (which didn't really help).  A new one will be appreciated.  

Ron is very easygoing these days he loves his radio, his little setup with the bed.  This morning he asked me for help getting a urinal, Torbie was in the way and he would have to squish her if he got it himself.  Of course I came running.  πŸ˜‚  Other than that he doesn't bother me if at all possible.  

I did explain a few times this year there is only one of me, I can only do so much, he would have to do what he could for himself or we would have to look at a placement.  He got it.  

I am listening to Christmas music and really enjoying it.  It is much more positive than the usual crap in my playlist.  

And Ron gave me permission to tell a Christmas story from his childhood.  As I've said he grew up in a notorious ghetto in Houston.  Even today it is a wasteland of heavy manufacturing, train tracks, and falling down shacks.  

There was a drug addict lived across the street with his parents.  Anyway, it's Christmas.  Ron's family was one of those that always went above and beyond back then buying gifts for everyone in their circle of family and friends.  They had a huge pile of gifts under their little tree.  

Ron was in a pretty good school, better than the ones his siblings attended because he was blind and they had one magnet school for all the blind children in Houston, back then.  They told him about Santa Claus and chimneys.  But he got to thinking "My house doesn't have a chimney"  He thought about it some more "Santa won't be able to get in because the front door is always locked."  So, he unlocked the front door before they went to mass Christmas eve.  Ron was very proud of himself.

His family was one of those that always used the back door, front door was for visitors only.  They came back from church and the house had been robbed!  All the presents were gone except a few for the family who lived there, Ron, his siblings and his parents had their gifts but all the other ones were gone.  His parents were livid "Who unlocked the door?!" and Ron tearfully confessed.  That's when they told him Santa didn't exist and grounded him.  

My poor baby.  πŸ˜‚  Side note, this house doesn't have a chimney either.  πŸ˜‚  When the house got robbed in 2012 I had gifts actually in the house, but they were in shipping boxes and ignored.  They only got the one computer but they sure ransacked the place.  For some reason they didn't want my little 24 inch TV.  That's the nice thing about treasures in heaven.  

And they never found my jewelry which was in a bag at the bottom of my laundry hamper.  The movers got my jewelry last year so I can share the hiding place.  They sure looked, though, threw my mattress off the bedframe, into the wall, pulled out all my drawers, etc.  

That was one thing I HAD to do, wash all the underwear in the HOTTEST of water settings because God knew what those men had done to it.  It did look very festive spread all over the bedroom.  πŸ˜‚  I can laugh about it now.  

So I will try to see this as a day off and not flog myself for all the things I should have been doing today.  I really do suspect someone was contagious walking around where I would have been and this is how God kept me home; because it takes a lot to keep me away from work.  

That's it for now.  

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