Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Tuesday morning

 I had 2 doses of Excedrin, some cold diet soda with caffeine, and a Sudafed because my ear was bothering me and a doctor told me to take decongestants for that.  So I was loaded up.  

NOT a surprise I woke up a few hours after I went to bed, up for a while, back to bed.  Pill time, fed Ron his Chalupa, back to bed for an hour or two.  Woke up felt pretty good so I got up and went to Walmart.  

Now my aunt "reads" so I can't say what I am doing for her family, but I can cover other family members.  My Dad and adoptive Mom are pretty easy, I know what they like.  My brother's fridge died (wish I could help) so he is eating mostly canned food, non perishables.  He is also diabetic.  So I got non perishable stuff for him I think he will like.  I also needed to get shipping stuff, USPS is supposed to bring me boxes and labels, but I needed bubble wrap and tape.  I got that.  I spent the extra $1 for the "more durable, shipping" tape.  I remembered the craft scissors for my knitting.  I got a cute pair designed for kids.  

I got cat food and household supplies.  I didn't buy the laundry sanitizer even though they had it in stock.  1.  I already have some 2.  If soap and water are good enough to wash my privates they are good enough to wash something that touched them.  I have no problem using my little cocktail on the worst of messes.  

1-2 Tide Pods 

1/4 cup washing soda 

1/4 cup borax

1/4 cup baking soda (mainly for odors).  

I have yet to be defeated.  Even the worst, and I have had some impressive ones, stains crumble to the cocktail.  So I don't worry about the sanitizer.  If I were really paranoid I would wash it with the cocktail and then run it again with just bleach.  Or run it on "hot" if the fabric could handle it.  Lots of options.  And the powders I use are affordable, obtainable, and last quite a while.  If I have some "funky" laundry with no stains I just add the baking soda to the load and that always works.  

They also had disinfecting wipes but I have 2 canisters plus the mostly full canister I am using, so no rush there.  I mainly use that for disinfecting my cell phone.  I didn't feel compelled to buy any.  

Interestingly they had the cat food in abundance (with Biscuit on a special diet I always worry about availability) but did not have much litter.  I am OK for litter so I was fine passing that up.  

Ron asked me what I bought myself, I didn't think the yogurt counted.  😂  I guess the craft scissors.  Seriously I did need them.  

I didn't have enough money to pay my Dad so Ron covered, I wrote a check on Ron's account (we have separate banking). I bought a nice Christmas card to stick that into.  The wire transfers, I guess, are easier for me but I have to have money in my account.  So it was easier to mail the check.  

Ron pays the mortgage and most of the bills.  I pay my own cell phone, and the water bill, he gets the rest, so I feel it's fair for me to take care of the loan.  But Ron was very matter of fact of course he would pay it since sales were so bad I (between us) only got 25% of my pay.  

But I got everything I needed and then found $40 in my fanny pack I have no idea how it got there, but I accept.  Today's a day off so I plan to enjoy it.  

I am definitely watching my caffeine today.  

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