Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Tuesday noon

 I went to Walmart, EARLY this time.  The store was very well stocked.  I got everything on my list, including a 6 foot artificial tree, lights, and ornaments for $10 under budget.  

I got some McDonald's for Ron as the store doesn't carry the thing he wanted, anymore.  I called Arturo to go home he is having hard times just like we are, and I try to look out.  

I put the perishable things away and talked to Ron, took out the garbage, took my clothes off, washed them, took a shower.  I am going to take a nap and then call my brother later when I get up.  Apparently my nephew mentioned me in passing during a phone call and my brother wanted to hear from me directly.  

It is likely our sister filled up his head with tales of me being abused, brainwashed, and overwhelmed so he wants to hear my side.  Happy to tell the truth.  

I went ahead and did a zinc lozenge just because I felt it was a good idea and it's been my experience to trust my gut.  

Tomorrow will be work because I need to do the monthly report, housework, put up the trash cans.  

I gave up a significant chunk of my pay to buy inventory; good news I have a nice sum to spend now on inventory.  I just need to figure out what day I am doing that.  I have enough to pay my bills, $20 for online fun money, and a little money for Walmart this week and next.  I even managed to get a very nice pair ($10) of sweatpants for me.  

The cats sniffed at the tree but don't seem terribly interested.  I put up the tree, the lights, and a few ornaments.  I will finish the ornaments later.  

Anyway I'm going to take a nap.  

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