Friday, December 25, 2020

People hear what they want to hear

 I called my brother, went to voicemail, left a nice message.  Called my parents.  Pretty typical phone call (they got the money) until the end.  

My parents were talking about "my" church and "how nice" it was.  "The one you took us to"

Oh, I thought, you mean the one where the pastor called me a DRUG ADDICT, a SINNER, and worse.  I will give him the comments on the blog, writing everything is controversial.  I will give him his comments on me being a prepper (called a "hoarder" and worse, implied I had no faith in God to sustain me) because being prepared (how I see it) is also controversial at times.  

But to call a mentally ill, bipolar, suicidally depressed, hallucinating and delusional woman an ADDICT and a SINNER... for taking my prescribed medication AS DIRECTED.  I have told them (parents) this, they always say oh how awful and forget about it the minute they hang up.  You couldn't PAY me to go back to the church unless I heard they had a new pastor.  And again with the comments on me not trusting God...

COLD day before I go back.  I am glad they helped with the home repairs but I did a LOT of evangelism in places they had NEVER ventured, handing out THEIR Bibles they couldn't do themselves.  So I don't feel obligated.  

My parents (birth) had some conflict over faith at my birth and my Dad "won" I am a Presbyterian.  I told them about a Presbyterian church near my home so they are checking that out.  I will be happy to take them there.  It is a larger church and I liked the pastor on Facebook, he does daily messages that seem in line with the Bible.  

I just want them to have my back.  Now, if I am breaking God's law I want to be held accountable.  But I do my best to walk the line and repent when I do screw up.  Don't stone me because you (he admitted during a sermon) had problems with anxiety drugs.  

God has led me to pray for that entire church to be delivered from false doctrine so it doesn't seem things have gotten much better since I left.  

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