Wednesday, December 16, 2020


 Windows adjusted my screen resolution again everything is larger.  But I have middle-aged eyes so I'm not complaining.  It does what it wants I never know what screen I'm getting.  

I slept pretty well and gave Ron his medicine on time.  Takeaway lesson from this morning is take my antidepressant then too.  I will do that now.  

Pretty ugly depression this morning.  I need to take a shower and do my God Time, probably in that order.  Ron needed some help so I did that and gave him a bath while I was at it.  The no rinse body bath is great, I squirt it in the bucket (1-2 squirts), add some warm water, washcloth and good to go.  I was glad to get the old tshirt off of him he was starting to reek!  

I've got the towels I used for his bath in the washer right now along with some of my clothes.  I used "the cocktail" so I did not put my underwear in as well.  That can be run on a separate load with something that only needs the Tide Free and Clear.  Washing soda is very irritating to private areas.   

I did the shower, talked to my brother - I let him know to look for a package (sent some goodies for the critters, he knows that much).  Next I will send his package which has some unique challenges.  But I have time to do that.  

I DID want to get the critters before Christmas and I think he will enjoy watching them with their goodies.  I did get Ron's opinion on one item.  I will share more once he gets it.  

I did tell him to look out because he has a wolf, and 2 wolf mix dogs so they are going to intimidate a delivery man "They usually leave it right outside the gate" unquote.  So he can look.  

Going to go do my God Time.  Done.  Did a load of clothes and collecting stuff for my brother.  

Going to take a nap after the washer finishes the cleaning cycle and I start a thread about fasting and prayer, opinions.  

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