Thursday, December 24, 2020

Thursday evening

 Oh, I don't feel well.  Not virus sick or anything I think it is side effects of my medication.  Sometimes it gets me like this, not very often lately.  I used to have a lot of problems when I started or would have an adjustment to medication.  

I feel lightheaded and heavy at the same time, a little dizzy, is how I would describe it.  One time I had to shove Ron (he was holding onto me and walking) into a parked car because I was about to pass out.  It's not fun but it won't kill me or infect Ron.  

Like Doc says, there are side effects (this) and the ones that will kill you (not this).  It is the price I pay for being fit for society.  Overall, though, I have very few side effects.  I won't complain but it is definitely impacting my day.  

Glad I don't have to stock a vending machine!  

The cats are good Baby Girl is with Ron, Torbie and Cleo got in my lap for a while (not at the same time), Biscuit took a nap with me while Spotty lay on the floor next to the bed.  

I checked my blood sugar and blood pressure it is fine.  Not going to worry about it.  Oh, it is almost pill time for Ron.   Done that.  

Oooh I just don't feel well.  I am not "sick" this is just the price I pay and been here many nights before.  I hope society enjoys the price I pay for sanity.  

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