Monday, December 14, 2020

Monday, or a good thing I can live on the cheap

 You would think I would have been pissed last night woken up at 3 to help Ron.  But I wasn't.  

We had another cold front come through, a bad one, and I was working on a migraine.  So I helped him, took my excedrin, back to bed.  Had to get up an hour later to do his pills, back to bed for an hour or so, and then up for good.  

Jack took me to work, I took the money out (pitiful) and counted it, verified my inventory level to see if I needed a Dr Pepper order - I did not.  Checked my phone, the one bank was closed, went to the other one.  The second bank is much nicer than the first but a little out of the way.  We ran a couple more errands and I went home.  

I got way less than my standard but all my bills are paid.  

All told I had taken 2 doses of Excedrin so I was pretty wound up.  I took a shower with the Dove bar soap.  My skin was still pretty dry after.  

This is all new for me because I have had very oily skin my whole life.  I never had to use moisturizer.  Until now.  I guess this is one of those fun premenopause things.  

Happily I did buy some (turned out to be very nice) "Hemp Heaven" lotion that has worked pretty well, I got it at the dollar store of all places.  I like that it is not too thick.  I don't need a really dense lotion right now a more moderate one is great.  And it soaks in quick and I like the fragrance.  My aunt would loathe it she hates coconut, but it's my lotion, not hers.  So it does the job well and I am happy I got the lotion.  

I did my God Time, not much up for it this morning, and tried to take a nap but still too wound up from all the caffeine this morning. I poured out my coffee (down the drain) and I am really glad I did I would have to be scraped off the ceiling.  It was the "good" coffee though.  

I have some cheap stuff for everyday and then the nicer brands (Seattle's Best, Community).  I use the nicer brands when I want a treat or an important 😂 flavor experience.  But sleeping in on my day off?  Store brand works for that. I have both regular and decaf because I try, very hard, not to do caffeine after 12 noon.  Today is unusual because I did go over my caffeine limit of 450 mg (suggested by Doc) today.  

I will probably make some decaf later.  I also need to fix my timer we had a power outage and it is skewed off real time now.  

And I finally trimmed Ron's "claw" toenail.  It was pretty impressive and would have made it impossible to put on a sneaker.  I remember my grandmother (the nice one) once told me a story of how her grandmother's nails grew over the ends of her toes and how hard it was to trim them, and warned me if I ever had to caretake a senior I should be vigilant about keeping toe nails trimmed.  

My family has a long history of taking care of its' aged.   To my understanding, though, my Dad's Mom needed only a housekeeper/personal aide at the end, she was still pretty independent, just needed help with things like doing the laundry, shopping, and cleaning.  She had surgery in her 80's, back trouble (again!  In my life!).  Had complications and didn't make it.  But up to that point it is my understanding she was pretty independent.  She did send me a very sad letter when her last bridge partner died she said she was all alone now.  

My Dad is almost her age now so I keep that in mind.  

Well, I just had people from a "remodeling company" bang on my door.  Baby Girl went out to investigate.  I said if I had the money for a remodel I would do my siding, not windows.  I did not say it but I sure thought no way in hell am I going to have some door to door huckster get up on my roof or do my windows.  If a a company is any good, like Carlos the amazing drywall and everything guy, they have good reviews on Home Advisor and Google.  They don't go door to door.  You're good, you will have a ton of good reviews and happy customers telling everyone (like I did with Carlos) about your wonderful work.  You don't need to look, they find you.

But I made sure to emphasize my lack of money and they saw the TV (all 24 inches of it) through the front door, it is apparent looking in my front door my treasures are up in Heaven.  I hope.  The last thing I need is another break in.  We will see.  

I did decide I would have one of my liquor shots in my decaf coffee tonight.  Well, half the shot (about a tablespoon).  I plan to put the "pecan praline" in it.  I can just put the half bottle (50 ml size) in the cabinet with the coffee products.  I asked Ron if he wanted it and he said no. 

Then he said something about wanting to listen to the radio.  So I'll respect that.  

That's it for now.  

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