Friday, December 11, 2020


 Lets see if I can do this: 

I slept pretty well, woke up with a moderate (4 on 1-10) headache, had it most of the day until I tried aspirin.  I am going to remember the aspirin.  👍

I did my God Time, had a pretty good time of it.  I will share something; I believe in showing my warts as well as my "halo".  I had been neglecting the prayer portion lately but World Missionary Press put up such a plaintive post about everyone suffering trials all of a sudden and could they please get some prayer backup?  

Here it is:  Please PRAY for WMP Staff and our families. We've been having some strange and unusual things befall us the past several months, from a fire at one of our staffs personal homes, sickness and some significant injuries unrelated directly to WMP. Please PRAY for the Lord's protection over us as we continue producing God's Word!

So of course I had to step up. I can't do much in my life, driving for one, but I can pray, and if you are feeling the absence of my prayer of course I will bring it back. So I did that, yay me.

I did some housework but didn't sweep, if my video ever posts you will see that. I took care of Ron. I got out my crossword puzzle books (mostly the "fun and easy" variety as my IQ has taken a hit on my medication), and did a couple of them. I took a nap. I took the aspirin.

I watched some TV but it was all "dark" shows with not very happy endings, not a good thing when I am running depressed, so I didn't watch much.

I didn't have much to do. I am not going to use the word "bored" because I think that brings trouble when I do but I was/am a little restless. I did hang out in my groups and on one message board.

Tomorrow should be pretty quiet I will see how that goes, here's to hoping I get some decent sleep tonight.

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