Monday, December 7, 2020


 I didn't get much sleep last night, Ron was vocalizing off and on and it kept waking me up.  No real way to stop that, happily it does not happen very often.  

Off to work, and yes I made enough money to buy a soda delivery, pay the electric bill, and cover the essentials.  I only had one real concern; I was supposed to get my primary gift yesterday and it never came.  Did I have a porch pirate?  

I went to the first bank with Jack.  Got in line, waited 5 minutes.  People going out but no one going in, and a long line.  The woman at the head of the line wouldn't open the door to go into the bank it was clear she had issues.  

I went to another bank instead.  They were happy to get the one dollar bills.  Then we hit a drive through (nice thing about riding with Jack) and went home.  I found my package sitting in the chair on the porch.  It was apparently OK to open, per Mom, so I did and it is nicely wrapped in a gift bag.  She insisted I put it under the tree and take a photo, which I did.  I also threw in some bonus shots of Torbie.  

I tried to take a nap but couldn't, so I got up, on the computer for a bit.  Now I will not reveal a lot but I am on a list, I guess, emails get sent out to me and many others.  And you always get the one guy replies to all.  Not only that the guy has a terrible attitude and sent out several emails today.  

It got me wondering if he is mentally ill, I used to lash out at things unrelated to what was actually making me upset, a lot, when I was ill.  But not my business.  I did a lot of deleting though.  

I need to figure out gifts, I have one for Dad already.  But Mom?  Aunt and uncle I think I have that.  And my brother I would like to get him something nice.  We will see what gets done.  

I did have enough to pay the light bill so I am encouraged by sales.  The cats are good.  I got everyone stoned by sprinkling quite a bit of catnip all over the floor.  Biscuit hogged most of it but I noticed Torbie actually lifted a paw and came running for it.  

I am feeding the cats at 5 PM and when I called them only Baby Girl showed up.  I guess the other ones are outside eating somewhere else.  I am going to go check the mail and then go to bed early; now, I'm tired.  

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