Friday, December 4, 2020


 I accidentally locked Spotty out last night, in the garage.  I felt terrible about it but he had blankets.  I will do better.  

Problem: I keep the compost bucket out there (no room in the house plus I don't want bugs) and Biscuit slipped out, I saw Biscuit come back so I locked it.  😔  But Spotty forgave me and it was his call to do so.  

I woke without a migraine today.  I drank my coffee (wonder how long the coffee mania will last?) and got ready, called Jack, he was ready to go.  We went to Sam's and I spent the other half of my pay on inventory.  We went to work, I stocked.  

Jack picked me up, we ran an errand and went through a Taco Bell Drive through.  Ron was quite happy with the steak quesadilla.  I got chicken.  

I ate and took my pills.  I wasn't able to take my morning pills with the migraine, the morning nausea/vomiting was pretty severe and the one time I did get them down they didn't stay.  

Now I take various things in the morning, a multi with iron, my allergy pill (generic Zyrtec), antidepressant (2 of them), Dong Quai and Wild Yam (menopause herbs).  I would have thought I'd have a problem not taking the antidepressant but right now I am in a small mania (which is beneficial as I have accounting work and house cleaning to accomplish this weekend).  So mood is fine.  

But my allergies!  Horrible!  I really am allergic to my cats.  But it goes to show even a bad allergy can be managed with frequent hand washing and the right medication.  

I was able to take the "important" drugs, the mood stabilizers, the antipsychotic.  But glad I am fine again.  I got Ron settled (didn't need much) and got online.  

Rather than elaborate on what made me upset (it didn't involve me I was a bystander) I will just say this: as a caregiver, it is your RIGHT to ask for help.  Asking for help will often save the caregiver from getting sick or an eventual placement for the disabled in a nursing home.  Getting help on a regular basis - no matter how you get it - is a GOOD thing and it is a duty to ask for help so we don't get burned out.  

That is all.   

NOPE.  Not done.  I got the card thank you VERY much.  A nice addition to my pile of bills.  😂  Don't get me wrong, we can pay them, but still a nice surprise.  👍

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