Sunday, May 1, 2016

Land of confusion

Ron wanted to go to Taco Bell last night, so we went to the stand alone restaurant not far from our home.  It is well run during the week. 

As I stood at the counter, after getting my order, asking them to please correct it and give me all my food, I couldn't help but think of "Land of Confusion".  I actually started humming the song as I waited.  I knew no one around me would understand. 

Let me tell you, the whole experience gave me a great lack of faith in the educational system.  If it came to $17.40, and I give you a ten, a five, and three ones, you owe me sixty cents.  Easy, right?  Not, apparently, with common core math, I guess. 

She counted it four times, gaping at the five dollar bill as if I'd faked it, and then slowly put the digits into the computer.  Because it's too hard calculating change owed in our head.  I probably messed her up because I didn't give her a $20, and she couldn't push the $20 bill button. 

And they want $15 an hour?  I wouldn't have paid her THREE!  The manager wasn't much better, she had an elaborate hairstyle that violated a couple of health codes.  Once I got a look at her I decided not to complain. 

It's a totally different story during the week, when the good managers are there.  I can see why they only have a two star rating on Google.  I didn't get it until last night. 

I make jokes about my "Special" Chalupa, to Ron, because I had to advocate and remind them they hadn't put it in my order.  That generally results in "special" food.

I'm not sick, yet, so maybe I'm wrong. 

We came home and I watched a little TV, some internet, before I went to bed around 9.  Then Ron kept waking me up laughing at the White House dinner. 

Fine, laugh. But shut your door and stop waking me up!  Doc talked to both of us about sleep deprivation and how it is very important it is for me to get enough sleep every night.  That means letting me sleep.  I don't care how funny it was, you didn't have to wake me up. 

Then, when I got up, Ron wanted me to watch it.  I told him strongly, I did not want to watch anything coming out of the White House.  But I don't talk politics. 

I don't want to be entertained by my administration.  I don't want them to make me laugh.  I want them to fix the economy and keep the terrorists out of the country.  I don't think anyone elected an entertainer. 

Except Regan.  He was an actor. 

I woke up cranky and let Ron have it for keeping me awake.  He wasn't even sorry.  His whole excuse was "it was funny".  There was a comic biography he was reading, had him laughing a lot yesterday.  I very politely asked him not to read it tonight.  If he really can't help himself than he's going to have to help himself. 

I need my sleep.  I took my pills and did my God Time, the Haldol makes me pretty tired, so we will see if I can get a nap "in there" today. 

I sure hope so.  It looks like rain, but hopefully not much. 

I think we've had enough flooding for a while. 

Later on I plan to go around the house with a giant trash bag and pick up everything that is clearly trash.  That should fill at least one bag.  Then I can work on stuff I don't want that isn't donatable. 

If I can donate something, I will, but I don't have a lot of energy, or storage, either.  I'm sure not putting stuff in the garage. 

Oh, yeah, and I need to organize the garage. 

Ah, the perils of a mixed episode. 

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