Friday, February 1, 2013

Help me to grow

Last thoughts for the evening:  I told Ron "You know I will leave you over the drinking" (implied, if you get ugly).  He told me he knew, and he would expect me to. 


I also had the thought, while doing my PM God Time, "I hope I'm learning what I need to learn".  I would hate to think I was stuck and suffering in this, because I refused to learn a lesson God needed to teach.  So, I asked Him to help me learn whatever I may need to learn out of this. 

"Don't make Ron an idol".
"Trust me" (I think I'm pretty good at that one)
"People want to help" - I have a hard time with that one, not because of any recent events, but past issues.  Pretty hard for a person, severely neglected as a child, to believe someone wants to help them when they need it. 

Ugh.  Help me to grow, Lord. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am glad you got some nice tops, a good percent to being healthier is wanting to look " nice" iT is All relevant and you have your own lovely Very unique style. You have a knack for color, look at your knitting. And it is awesomebyou could walk out with just what you needed!