Monday, February 11, 2013

Good for much

Well, my head doesn't hurt.  I was able to work, did everything required.  I must have looked pretty bad (I think my cheekbone/eye area was pretty red and puffy) because people kept asking me if I was OK, instead of the usual morning greetings. 

It's just now dawning that maybe they thought I'd been crying.  Awww.  That is very sweet. 

At any rate, I BEGGED God to please keep me from infecting anyone.  One of the guys at work had a bad cough I remember from last week, he might actually have infected me.  If that's the case everyone else is either sick or immune. 

For our ride home, we had the guy I think will never, ever, forgive me for using the word "Crackheads" to describe his neighborhood.  Here's a link.  Notice the Houston Chronicle uses the word "Crackheads".  [raised eyebrow] 

Anyway, he came, and took us home.  Thank God. 

I took more cold remedy - I am so sick of taking cold remedy.  I had to stop the Wellbutrin, so I could take Sudafed.  So, I've got Sudafed, Mucinex, Tylenol, and now cough suppressant on board, not counting the lithium, haldol, and supplements. 

Let's hear it for my stomach.  Poor thing.  Still fighting. 

I HAVE had more appetite today.  That's a very good sign. 

So, sorry to ramble but see paragraph about all the stuff I'm taking - when we got home I had a snack and tried to lie down, but I kept coughing and coughing. 

I'm glad I'm draining,  but I really wanted a nap and cuddle with Bubba.  Agh. 

When Ron wakes up (he is out) I will file the online accounting report, probably eat and take my meds.  I doubt I'll be good for much after that. 

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