Tuesday, February 12, 2013

God is not a vending machine

I have thought about this all day, and decided to post it.  I have changed many details. 

I know 2 people.  Both of them are married, long-term, and devoted to their spouses.  One man, is a born-again Christian.  The other man is a pagan, posting about doing various rituals. 

If I haven't blocked the lady who posts lots of pictures of her very favorite president, safe bet to say I won't block the pagan.  God calls Christians to be a light in the world.  That means sharing my faith, not hiding it off in a corner with the "chosen". 

One reason I have the blog. 

So, both wives were in horrible accidents last year.  The Christian went about how you'd expect "Mary was in a horrible car wreck, please pray!"  "Still in ICU, please pray"  "Doing better, praise God!".  You get the idea.  Everyone said they'd be praying.  I prayed like hell.  I love this couple.  Mary had a lot of trials, and a lifelong disability, as a result of the accident.  The husband was a huge light to a lot of people, and still posting Bible verses every day.  He knew, even if she died, she was going to heaven.  1000% certain of that - we all were.  The unreached don't have that.  He knew God would listen.  God might not act, but he heard every prayer. 

Frankly, in that case, I only worried about caregiver burnout. 

Then the pagan was in an accident.  I have noticed the unreached, when facing a trial, do not ask for prayer,"Send good thoughts", generally the context.  I said, "I'll be praying" - I'm a born again Christian, that's what I do, go right up to the throne and beg for healing.  The husband "liked" it.  I kept praying.  Other Christians said they were praying.  The wife got very ill, and he began begging everyone to pray.  Who could say no to that?  We all did.  She got better. 

About a month later, they posted how they were going to do a ritual again.  A pagan ritual.  Did the pagan whatevers heal your wife?  No.  She didn't get better until you asked people to pray.  They have continued to post about doing various rituals as they return to paganism. 

God is not a vending machine.  You can't put in your prayer, get a healing, walk off, go back to sin, and put in another prayer the next time something goes wrong.  What do you think will happen the next time you have a crisis?  God is generous, a lot more than I'd be, He might even answer you again.  But sooner or later He won't hear you because you are mocking Him. 

Galatians 6:7
Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Heather, this reminds me of an interesting study I read about prayer and healing. Basically, those who knew they were being prayed for after heart surgery had more complications. Maybe performance anxiety, I dunno...but interesting, I think. Here's an article about it -
I enjoy reading, thanks for blogging -Amber