Tuesday, February 12, 2013

A trip to Walmart

So, how was my day? 

Well, I woke up once last night.  Not bad.  I woke up again with a pretty nasty headache.  I took some Excedrin but realized I would not be sleeping after 200 mg of caffeine.  I said goodbye to Bubba, who's been sleeping with me every night and every nap, and got up. 

I took a shower.  Normally I'm really stingy with the water, I turn it off to lather up, etc.  Not today.  I was sick, and I needed the steam.  I didn't take forever but I had a good time.  It is funny, I opened a bar of rose soap, and I can't smell it.  I don't know whether the fragrance faded or I'm that congested... I also threw away the last cup of milk in the old carton because I couldn't smell it. 

Ron is allergic to the cats, like I am, so he is generally congested himself and not a good "consult". 

I got out, dried off.  I need to finish washing the towels.  The tub mat was ruined a while back and I need a new one, or I need to designate an old towel "Tub Mat". 

My head didn't hurt after the excedrin, hasn't hurt all day, which has been great.  Even the roots of  my upper teeth hurt for a few days there.  I ran a slight fever, but not until later, and boy have I been draining. 

I had a small breakfast, did my God Time, got dressed, got online, and off to Walmart.  I left Ron up front and did my shopping.  I took quite a while looking at the toothpaste.  I like the Colgate Total.  However, it's all mint!  I am sick of mint!  I want cinnamon!  After several minutes of consideration, I got some Close-up cinnamon, instead.  I think it is more important to enjoy brushing my teeth than to use the "best". 

I looked at cough drops, got distracted by the vitamin C powdered stuff (Emergen-c) and realized for the price of one box, I could buy a bottle of 1-gram vitamin C tablets.  So, I did that.  I got some mint tea (I know, I wanted tea, not toothpaste), and came back for wild cherry cough drops, sugarfree of course. 

I have been using cough drops left and right - that might explain this morning's headache.  If I get too many sugar alcohols I get headaches. 

I looked all over for "facial" tissue.  I couldn't find it.  So I got toilet tissue instead.  My nose is OK with that and it's cheaper.  I can use the leftovers, after I'm better, in the bathroom, which is better than a half used box of facial tissue lying around. 

Ron didn't want anything, but I told him about the Glory Red Beans and Rice in a can.  He was intrigued, and loves it.  He wanted me to tell you "it's delicious" (but, he assured me, not as good as my pintos). 

I thought about getting some detox tea, or special vitamins, but figured it would be better for me to eat real veggies.  Later on, I got about a pound and a half of delicious black grapes, some mustard greens, and some salad mix. 

I went to look at the soda.  The Diet Dr Pepper in the bottles is up to almost $3.50.  That's too much.  I only had a little money.  I looked, in vain, for the generic.  No joy. 

I went over to the powdered drink mix and found a "Citrus enerrgy" mix with 60 mg of caffine (about my norm) per serving.  The powder comes in a little stick, which you add to water, so the whole works is 60 mg.  It was also twice the quanity and half the price of the Dr Pepper.  I'm hoping it works for me, so I can do that instead. 

I don't mind using a little caffeine in the morning. 

Then I hit the dairy case.  Large curd cottage cheese.  I love the stuff.  I could eat the whole tub, and it's like 20 carbs.  I got some unsweetened soy milk for my shakes.  I have plenty of frozen foods, so, after that, I went to get the veggies. 

The "fresh" greens looked horribly limp.  Not much nutrition there, I'm afraid.  Maybe I went at the wrong time of day.  I got the salad mix, and some packaged, prepared, mustard greens.  I take them out and rinse them off before cooking (in my case, microwaving).  I'll probably put a little bacon grease in there for flavor. 

The grapes looked really good, but I told myself no.  "Why" I thought "It's a fruit.  I can eat them on my eating plan."  Then the thought, what if they taste awful?  So, I opened a bag and ate one, hoping to God it was good so I could pay for it. 

Yum.  I love black grapes.  I put them in the cart. 

You see, when my Dad was a single Dad he had to take me with him, when he went grocery shopping.  I was between 3 and 5. 

Everytime, he'd put me in the cart, and we'd start at the bread section, working our way around to produce.  If I was "good", he would carefully select me a grape. 

One time, I was "so good" I got two!  Good times! 

So, I love a good grape, always have.  They're only about one carb each.  This batch came from Chile. 

I checked out, met up with Ron, and found our driver.  I was kind of sniffly by then but it was OK - she had the same thing.  I shared some remedies when we got to the house. 

I put away the groceries and went to bed, slept for hours.  Well, I'm still healing, and it's my day off.  God knows I need the rest. 

I woke up, maneuvered around Bubba (he has been with me every step of the way!) and got up.  For dinner, I had some bacon, grapes, and a shake. 

I've been having some trouble with the blender, and Bubba hates it.  I may start using the shaker bottle instead. 

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