Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Cut and paste

Well, I only woke up once last night.  When I did wake up, next to Bubba, that handsome black cat you see in my sidebar, I had a terrible headache. 

I took some Excedrin, it is gone.  But I'm up. 

Still coughing but I feel "better".  I actually think I'm going to live.  I'm staying home today and resting, but it's nice to know. 

Ron was annoyed, when I turned on my computer the music woke him up.  He was very cranky, and went back to bed.  I apologized.  I really didn't know it would bother him. 

So, I posted on my various forums and came here.  Two comments.  Oh, boy. 

Nope.  Two spams. 

I hate spam.  I hate badly tranliterated "offers" to "check out my page".  I hate messages so incomprehensible I have to wade through and pick out keywords.  They all start with phony compliments, then they go to "give me your money" sooner or later. 

I wish they'd leave me alone.  I know there's a human being at the other end of it, one I should be praying for, but it makes me angry that a spammer wants to use MY blog to make money, to turn it into a cheap billboard for fake viagra or whatever. 

Insulting.  Even more insulting to think I'd fall for the phony, badly translated compliments.  Too bad I deleted all my spam or I'd do a cut and paste. 


Mark Charles said...

As much as you hate spam, I hate whomever hacks emails then sends porn to my entire email address book. It horrifying to me my friends and family think they are getting a note from me and it is a link or obscene photos.
Has happened twice in the past year
It only requires a change inyour password to stop it. But then having to contact folks
I also hide my IPC at all times with a fake one online. The Internet is fun, educational and scary! Be careful Heather protect yourself

icebear said...

i get the occasional real comment to my gardening blog, but its mostly gibberish spammy stuff. i tend to ignore any comments by "Anonymous"... but i do get legitimate Anon comments maybe once every 2 years.

i hate using those Captcha auto-approval methods, so i have it set so anyone can comment without it, but i have to approve it before it can be published.